
วิสัยทัศน์ :
Promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between Thailand and the rest of the world. Foster synergy at people’s level through academic and cultural exchanges.
พันธกิจ :
Conducting Thailand’s public diplomacy to extend goodwill and friendship to people around the world as well as exploring areas of cooperation on the basis of mutual interest. Promoting better understanding about Thailand and Thai people through Thai studies and exchange programs, Thai culture and heritage as well as Thai values/characteristics or Thainess. Offering online Thai language courses for foreign language speakers.
เบอร์โทรศัพท์ (+66) 0 203 5000 (ext. 11031)
E-Mail : info@thailandfoundation.or.th
Website : https://www.thailandfoundation.or.th/
Social media : https://www.facebook.com/thailandfoundation/, https://www.instagram.com/thailandfoundation/, https://twitter.com/foundationthai, https://www.youtube.com/@thailandfoundation9456
ที่ตั้ง :
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
443 Sri Ayutthaya Road, Bangkok, 10400, Thailand
ประวัติและผลงานเด่น :
1. Thai Culture and Heritage Information Hub https://www.thailandfoundation.or.th/th/cultures_categorie/culture-and-heritage/
2.Thailand Foundation Academy (Language Courses/สื่อการสอนภาษาไทย) https://thailandfoundation.unit.academy/
3. Expatriate Orientation Program https://www.thailandfoundation.or.th/program_categories/eop/
4. Thailand's Public Diplomacy Award (รางวัลการทูตสาธารณะ) https://www.thailandfoundation.or.th/news_and_events/พิธีมอบรางวัลการทูตสาธ/