Research & Article

The Crown Property Bureau and Heritage Conservation

By Yongtanit Pimonsathean

Published on 19 May 2024

Location of original sources

Journal of the Siam Society (JSS) Vol. 100 (2012)


The Crown Property Bureau and Heritage Conservation

In Thailand, authorized conservation of cultural heritage centers around the protection of ancient monuments and archaeological sites. Since sole responsibility belongs to the The Fine Arts Department (FAD), which only focuses on restoration techniques of specific historical areas, the conservation of everyday-life heritage in Thailand is often overlooked, with mundane heritage sites being threatened or destroyed by new developments and rapid urbanization. Concerned by this loss and degradation, many organizations have started campaigns to protect valued properties in Thailand that are not prioritized by the government. One such group is the Crown Property Bureau, which has actively participated in the conservation of everyday-life heritage for a decade. Through their work, the organization has provided hope in broadening the scope of preservation in Thailand. This article aims to outline the Crown Property Bureau and its work regarding heritage conservation.