Research & Article
Implementing the Law on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of Thailand
By Pakasit Jermrod
Published on 24 May 2024
Conservation Legislation and Policies, Natural Heritage, Heritage Conservation and Preservation
Location of original sources
The aims of this article are to study the key aspects of the Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972 together with the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention and the implementation and enforcement of the law on the protection of world cultural and natural heritage of Thailand because Thailand is a party to this Convention.
The study shows that Thailand has a number of acts to enforce in the protection of cultural and natural heritage. It raises two main issues: (1) problems of domestic law enforcement with in the protection of Thailand’s World Heritage Sites; (2) the problem of overlapping of government agencies in the protection of Thailand’s World Heritage which in cultural heritage protection. This article therefore proposes a solution to this problem by applying the legal principles of the Republic of Italy as a guideline for improving legal measures. The author, therefore, recommends to amend the Act on Ancient Monuments, Antiques, Objects of Art and National Museums, B.E. 2504 by designating the main responsible departments with integrating the collaboration of all relevant departments, to assess the environmental impacts through EIA, to promote participation of the local people and engagement of local government, and to provide the civil and criminal penalties.