Research & Article
Muslim Bangkoknoi: Historical Development, Identity, Local Wisdomand Ways of Muslim Culture in a Capital City
By Samran Phondee
Published on 25 May 2024
History, Cultural Heritage, Ethnicity
Location of original sources
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(28), 316–327.
This research had two main objectives including 1) to study the background, historical development, identity, local wisdom and local culture of Muslim community in Bangkok Noi Canalside, and 2) to analyze the paradigm in adaptation, the remaining of identity, conservation of local wisdom and ways of local culture of the Muslim community in Bangkok Noi Canalside in accordance with historical contexts. This research employed qualitative methods including reviewing and collecting related documents and fieldwork study. The data was then analyzed, synthesized and presented in descriptive research analysis. The results showed that ancestors of the Muslim community in Bangkok Noi migrated from Ayutthaya since the period of the second loss of the Ayutthaya City. This Muslim community has strongly adhered to the Islam Sunni. Additionally, the establishment of Ansorissunnah Royal Mosque has been the center of the community. Remarkably, the community has remained their identity through the way of dressing and performing strictly in accordance with the Islam religion. Significant local wisdom of the community is Muslim food and making white silk cotton mattress. For the ways of culture, it has been strictly followed the principle of Islam. Nevertheless, the significance of paradigm in adaptation is to build awareness and ways of living following the Islam, which have been embedded in the educational system. As a consequence, these practices have constructed the strength of the ethnic group and have effectively supported the existence and maintained their social zone.