Research & Article

François Valentijn’s Map of “The Great Siamese River Me-Nam”

By Barend J. Terwiel

Published on 9 May 2024

Location of original sources

Journal of the Siam Society (JSS) Vol. 105 (2017)


François Valentijn’s Map of “The Great Siamese River Me-Nam”

Between 1724 and 1726, François Valentijn (1666-1727) published Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indiën,  a  monumental  work  on  the  Dutch  East  India  Company  (“VOC”).  In  Volume  3,  Part  2,  Book  6,  Chapter  1  (the  section  dealing  with  Siam),  between  pages  60  and  61,  Valentijn  placed  a  large  map  (74  cm  long,  and  29.4  cm  high)  depicting  a  large part of Siam.2 Prominently in the middle of this map he drew a large scroll with the words: “De Groote Siamse Rievier Me-Nam ofte Moeder der Wateren in haren loop met de in vallende Spruyten Verbeeld,” which may be translated as: “The Great Siamese River Me-Nam, or Mother of Waters, its course and its tributaries displayed.” Hereafter this map will be referred to as “VAL”. Valentijn mentions that the map contains unique information, and it will be shown below that this is indeed the case.