Enlightenment in This Lifetime: Liberation Through the Practice of the Buddha’s Teaching (Extension)
This special series of afternoon talks on 19-22 November 2024 aimed to shed new light on Buddhism and meditation. Drawing on his three decades of study and practice, the speaker, Khun Bangkok Chowkwanyun, discussed an integrative, effective and practical approach to the Buddha’s message of liberation, Nibanna.
Presented in celebration of The Siam Society’s 120th anniversary, the talks are intended to not only introduce newcomers to Buddhist teachings and meditation but also to convey a fresh perspective to scholars and experienced meditators.
While exploring the relationships between Buddhist texts and the processes of meditation practice, the talks proposed that each of us can indeed discover and follow the elusive path to taste liberation, reaching Nibanna in this lifetime
Whilst Lecture 1 The Buddha’s Path to Enlightenment and Lecture 2 Meditation in Practice went according to plan, Lecture 3 Advanced Meditation took longer partly due to more time to practice meditation as well as the content undergoing development even as the talks progressed. Consequently, Lecture 3 needs another 2 hours to cover the remaining content to be followed by Lecture 4 rescheduled.
Lecture 3 (Continuation 11 December 2024)
Advanced Meditation (Continuation: Anattalakhana Sutta)
The talk will continue by exploring the approach cultivated by the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, the late Burmese Theravada monk and scholar, which goes beyond the first Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (to attain the first level of enlightenment Stream Enterer Sotapanna) to focus on the Anattalakhana Sutta and the attainment of Arahatship. The talk will present the speaker’s tentative conjectures regarding the enlightenment process that he has extrapolated from knowledge gained through direct experience and through the study of the Dhamma and physical science.
Lecture 4 (Rescheduled 13 December 2024)
An Integrated, Higher Understanding of Dhamma and Practice
The final talk will bring together the concepts presented in the first three extended lectures and add important details not covered earlier. Whereas Magga (the Four Noble Truths) has been referred to as the divine vehicle of the Dhamma (for Liberation), the Satipatthana Sutta can be considered “the owner’s manual”, a personal trainer for the meditation practitioner.
As in the previous talks, each of the two remaining talks will incorporate a short secular exercise in meditation that can lead toward a better understanding of Sati mindfulness through direct experience, especially for those who had not attended any previous talk.
It is hoped that this series of talks will mark for some the ending of the mystery surrounding Buddhism and for all the beginning of a better understanding of the teachings of Gautama Buddha and an enhanced meditation practice that can immediately lessen suffering and open up a clear path to final liberation, Nibbana … in this lifetime.
It is also hoped that this expanded and deepened version of meditation practice and the decoding of relevant Buddhist texts can be a useful contribution to the further development of Buddhist studies and applications in meditation, whether for spiritual development or mental health care.
“True success is not in the learning, but in its application to the benefit of mankind.”
HRH Prince Mahidol Adulyadej
Further background on the series of talks can be found in the announcement for the original four lectures series at https://bit.ly/4eL9etO.
Proceeds will go towards the funding of other activities to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of The Siam Society which promotes the study and knowledge-sharing about cultures, history, arts, and heritage conservation of Thailand and Southeast Asia
About the speaker
Formerly a Council Member and President of The Siam Society, Khun Bangkok Chowkwanyun was educated at University of Cambridge, UK and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US. He worked as a corporate executive from 1974 through 1996 before redirecting his energy to NGO work in education reform and rural village development.
He began his exploration of Buddhism and meditation in 1992 and started teaching meditation in 2006. He read extensively and, importantly, was advised by many teachers in meditation centres in Thailand and Myanmar, to all of whom he is deeply grateful. His most recent teachers are Than Mae Khru Narawan Kulthornchutipas who founded Vipassana Meditation Place for Mind Development in Trang Province, Thailand, and Venerable Than Phra Kru Prasert Thanangkaro, who made precise the practice of locating and observing mental phenomenon mind objects (nama) in addition to physical phenomenon body objects (rupa).
11 and 13 December 2024 at 14.00 – 16.00
Members THB 200 │ Non-Members THB 400 (for 1 lecture)
Members THB 300 │ Non-Members THB 700 (for full series – extended)
สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม กรุณาติดต่อ
To book your place, please contact Khun Pinthip at 02 661 6470-3 ext 203 or pinthip@thesiamsociety.org
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