Roles of Ethnic Heritage Preservation in Protecting Water Resources, Langbiang Plateau
By Chí Hiếu Võ
Published on 12 May 2024
Heritage Conservation and Preservation, Natural Resource and Environmental Management
Ethnic groups live peacefully with nature as they know that their lives rely on one another. However, most ethnic groups nowadays find it hard to make a living, especially in modern society. As a result, more and more groups sell their lands to private companies near the upstream Langbiang plateau in exchange for money and wish for better lives. Private businesses destroy forests, grow crops in greenhouses, use liquid and solid fertiliser, which is extremely detrimental to the upstream water resources, which nearly 60 million people whose lives rely on.
To recover and protect water resources, we need to decrease deforestation and preserve biodiversity by supporting ethnic groups to preserve their heritage. In other words, creating businesses to support ethnic people to live peacefully again with nature as they have been for hundreds of years is one of the best solutions.