
โดย Alec Gordon, นภัส ศิริสัมพันธ์
เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 มิถุนายน 2024
วารสารสยามสมาคม Vol. 87 (1999)
Women’s work as shown in murals of the Ayutthaya era is discussed. Murals in central Thailand from about 1660 to the late-eighteenth century were examined. Major findings show that women engaged in many activities including some, such as being a mahout, that are no longer considered “women’s work.” Such depictions indicate the gender relations in Ayutthaya period were not as clear-cut as many might have thought. Also shown are pictures of violence against women and latter attempts, both at monasteries themselves and in academic studies of the murals, to cover them up.