Research & Article

Consideration for Adapting International Concept of Urban Heritage Conservation in the Context of Thailand

By Wimonrart Issarathumnoon

Published on 26 May 2024

Heritage Conservation and Preservation, Urban Heritage
Location of original sources

Academic Journal of Architecture, VOL. 67 (2018): JANUARY - DECEMBER

Concepts of urban heritage conservation in the international principles and charters have been continuously developed, from conserving historic buildings in the historic centers to the urban heritage conservation concept covering broad issues. Based on landscape approach conservation, tangible and intangible features and character-defining elements have been taken into consideration. In addition, conservation has been integrated within sustainable development.

In order to apply these international conservation concepts to the context of Thailand, this study proposes the way to apply the notion of “traditional districts and communities,” which has currently been used. However, the notion should be revised by (1) the addition of consideration of cultural values related to common heritage as well as of other values relevant to the urban development process; and (2) the respect for the distinctive characters of traditional Thai districts and communities. Additionally, the effective management of heritage sites with public involvement and the provision of management tools should also be implemented.