Research & Article
The Relationship between Temple Public Spaces and Surrounding Communities: The Case of Songkhla Municipality
By Nattaneeporn Noisangiam
Published on 14 June 2024
Cultural Landscape, Cultural Heritage Management
Location of original sources
Journal of Liberal Arts Prince of Songkla University, 14(2), 230–257.
The objective of this research was to investigate the roles of public spaces in temples in Songkhla Municipality in terms of relationships and utilization by the communities in the context of Songkhla society. The research was conducted by mixed-method and qualitative methodologies through in-depth interviews with community leaders, community representatives, temple abbots, and monk representatives from 18 temples, as well as entrepreneurs and citizens who used these public spaces. The samples of these populations were selected using purposive sampling. Physical data, locations, types, and periods of activities were collected and analyzed in the study. The results revealed that the temple public spaces serve important roles for the community. These public spaces are used for various activities for various periods of time. They are particularly used for physical, social, and commercial purposes, fostering relationships between the temples and the communities in three ways. Their sheer physical characteristic means that each space is available for people gatherings, establishing relationships with a link to their mental dimension. The spaces are also used for economic purposes. However, it was found that some of the temple spaces have been misused by the communities involved, a reflection of the shortcomings of policies designated by government agencies to improve quality of citizens’ life. It could be concluded that the cooperation among the related government offices, the temples and the communities can be served as a guideline to reduce future problems.