The Siam Society Under Royal Patronage initiated the Siamese Heritage Trust Knowledge Hub as a resource for knowledge, expertise, and experience related to cultural heritage and the natural environment, accessible to the public.

Heritage Partner : Experts in various fields within this database are available to provide initial advice and assistance as independent specialists or as affiliates of organizations related to art, culture, and the environment, with contact details provided.

Organizational Partner and Sources of Funds : You may seek support from organizations and funding sources with relevant missions to assist in cultural heritage preservation and conservation, promoting and fostering artistic and creative projects.
Knowledge : You can enhance knowledge and understanding through articles, laws, and guides on conservation, available in formats such as documents, audiobooks, and video clips.
Heritage Alert : You can pin incidents that cause cultural heritage or the natural environment to be at risk of losing or to lose value.

Cultural heritage includes artefacts, monuments, a group of buildings and sites, museums as well as contemporary art that have artistic or historic values. It includes tangible heritage (movable, immobile and underwater, industrial heritage and cave paintings), intangible cultural heritage (ICH) embedded into cultural, and natural heritage artefacts, sites or monuments.

Heritage Alert

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