Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 26.2 1933

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; US$32
  • Institutions; US$80
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TitleAuthorPDF file
His Majesty and the SocietyJSS_026_2b_HisMajestyAndTheSociety
The Inscriptions of Wat Phra JetubonDhani Nivat, H.H. PrinceJSS_026_2c_PrinceDhaniNivat_InscriptionsOfWatPhraJetubon
Prehistorical Researches in SiamSarasin, FritzJSS_026_2d_Sarasin_PrehistoricalResearchesInSiam
Notes on a Trip from Prachuap (Kaw Lak) to MerguiKerr, A.F.G.JSS_026_2e_Kerr_TripFromPrachuapToMergui
Journey of Mgr. Lambert, Bishop of Beritus, from Tenasserim to Siam in 1662Hutchinson, E.W.JSS_026_2f_Hutchinson_JourneyOfMgrLambertFromTenasserimToSiam1662
Transcription from Siamese into Roman CharactersAnonymousJSS_026_2g_TranscriptionFromSiameseIntoRomanCharacters
Annual ReportJSS_026_2i_AnnualReport