Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 6, No. 2, 1923

NHBSS Subscription Rate (per year/volume):-
  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; THB 300 (Thailand) / US$ 32 (International)
  • Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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On a Collection of Fish from Siam.

Sunder Lal Hora NHBSS_006_2b_Hora_OnACollectionOfFishF

Narrative of a Journey to the Interior of Hainan.

Malcolm A. Smith NHBSS_006_2c_Smith_NarrativeOfAJourney

On a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from the Island of Hainan.

Malcolm A. Smith NHBSS_006_2d_Smith_OnACollectionOfRept

A New Mole from Hainan.

C. Boden KlossNHBSS_006_2e_Kloss_ANewMoleFromHainan

Nests and Eggs of Birds in Central Siam.

E.G. HerbertNHBSS_006_2f_Herbert_NestsAndEggsOfBir

Notes on Rod Fishing in Bangkok.

Mom Chao Vipulya NHBSS_006_2g_Vipulya_NotesOnRodFishing