Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 59, No. 2, 2013

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  • Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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Front cover. Female of white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) with her infant at Mo Singto forest, Khao Yai National Park (photo: Dr. Korakach Pobprasert). See article by Warren Y. Brockelman.






Special section: 50-year anniversary for protected areas in Thailand

Community attitudes toward protected areas in Thailand.

Kate E. Jenks, Nucharin Songsasen, Budsabong Kanchanasaka, Naris Bhumpakphan, Sawai Wanghongsa and Peter Leimgruber NHBSS_059_2d_Jenks_CommunityAttitudes

Complexities of linking defaunation to tree community dynamics: case studies from national parks in Thailand.

Jedediah F. Brodie, Warren Y. Brockelman, Wirong Chanthorn and Anuttara Nathalang NHBSS_059_2e_Brodie_ComplexitiesOfLlinking

Wildlife conservation in protected areas in Thailand: lessons from Chiew Larn, Khao Sok and Khlong Saeng.

David S. Woodruff NHBSS_059_2f_Woodruff_WildlifeConservation

Gibbon studies in Khao Yai National Park: some personal reminiscences.

Warren Y. Brockelman NHBSS_059_2g_Brockleman_GibbonStudies

Research Articles

Morphological development of hatchery-reared larval and juvenile Pangasius bocourti

Viseth Hav, Yushiro Kinoshita, Fumihito Akishinonomiya, Yasuhiko Taki and Hiroshi Kohno NHBSS_059_2h_Hav_MorphologicalDevelopment

Instructions for Contributors to the Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society
