Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 86.0 1998

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Diplomatic missions to Tai states by David Richardson and W. C. Mc Leod 1830-1839: anthropological perspectivesAndrew TurtonJSS_086_0b_Turton_DiplomaticMissionsToTaiStates
The origin of the Sek: implications for Tai and Vietnamese historyJames R. ChamberlainJSS_086_0c_Chamberlain_OriginsOfSek
Lue ethnicity in national context: a comparative study of Tai Lue communities in Thailand and LaosPaul T. CohenJSS_086_0d_Cohen_LueEthnicityInNationalContext
Coudee magique, eau lustrale et baton enchante: rites et croyances dans la construction de l'habitat traditionnel des Jawi (Patani, Thai:lande du Sud)Pierre Le RouxJSS_086_0e_Roux_CoudeeMagiqueEauLustraleEtBatonEnchante
La formation des reseaux d'echanges reliant l'Asie du Sud et l'Asie du Sud-Est a travers le materiel archeologique (VIe Siecle Av. J.-C.-VIe Siecle Ap. J.-C.-le cas de la Thailande et la Peninsule MalaiseBerenice BellinaJSS_086_0f_Bellina_FormationDesReseauxDEchanges
Siamese Mandarins on the Grand Tour, 1688-1690Michael SmithiesJSS_086_0g_Smithies_SiameseMandarinsOnGrandTour
Portuguese and Spanish sources for the history of Ayutthaya in the Sixteenth CenturyJohn VilliersJSS_086_0h_Villiers_PortugueseAndSpanishSourcesForHistoryOfAyutthaya
The ethnoarchaeology of Southeast Asian coastal sites: a model for the deposition and recovery of archaeological materialRichard A. Engelhardt and Pamela Rumball RogersJSS_086_0i_EnglehardtRogers_EthnoArchaeologyOfSEACoastalSites
Recent Mani settlements in Satun Province, Southern ThailandGerd Albrecht and Johannes MoserJSS_086_0j_AlbrechtMoser_RecentManiSettlementsInSatun
A 10,600 years pollen record from Nong Thale Song Hong, Trang Province, South ThailandBernard K. MaloneyJSS_086_0k_Maloney_10600YearPollenRecordFromTrang
Thai literature as reflected in Western reports during the 17th to the 19th CenturiesKlaus WenkJSS_086_0l_Wenk_ThaiLiteratureInWesternReports
Round-number reckoning in Thai for the 5000 years of the BuddhaJ.C. EadeJSS_086_0m_Eade_RoundNumberReckoningFor5000YearsOfBuddha
A Trang cave text of 1614 ADAnthony DillerJSS_086_0n_Diller_TrangCaveText1614
The work of George Coedes: views of a young manFrederic MaurelJSS_086_0o_Maurel_WorkOfCoedes
Comments on Christian Bauer's 'The Wat Sri Chum Hitaka glosses reconsideredBetty GoslingJSS_086_0p_Gosling_CommentsOnBauerWatSriChumJatakaGlosses
Thailand's Boom and Bust by Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris BakerReviewed by Ronald Bruce St JohnJSS_086_0q_Reviews
Khmer Mythology: Secrets of Angkor by Vittorio RovedaReviewed by Ronald Bruce St JohnJSS_086_0q_Reviews
Loyalty Demands Dissent: Autobiography of an Engaged Buddhist by Sulak SivaraksaReviewed by Ronald Bruce St JohnJSS_086_0q_Reviews
Loyalty Demands Dissent: Autobiography of an Engaged Buddhist by Sulak SivaraksaReviewed by William J. KlausnerJSS_086_0q_Reviews
The Dvaravati Wheels of the Law and the Indianization of South East Asia by Robert L. Brown.Reviewed by Peter SkillingJSS_086_0q_Reviews
Singhalesische Handschriften, Teil 2, Die Katalognummern 199-376 (Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland Band XXII, 2) by Heinz BechertReviewed by Peter SkillingJSS_086_0q_Reviews
Obituary Achille ClaracJSS_086_0r_ObituaryAClarac