Notes for Contributors
Natural History Bulletin of the Siam SocietyInstructions for Contributors to the Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society
Subject matter
The Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society (NHBSS) publishes articles and notes by anyone on natural history, ecology, taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, evolution, geRORJ\FRQVHUYDWLRQQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHPDQDJHPHQWRUUHODWHGÀHOGVRIUHOHYDQFHWR7KDLODQG RU6RXWKHDVW$VLD&RQWULEXWRUVGRQRWKDYHWREHPHPEHUVRIWKH6LDP6RFLHW\0DWHULDO VXEPLWWHGIRUSXEOLFDWLRQLQWKHNHBSS must not have been published in or submitted to any other journal.
Each paper should follow a consistent form of dating, capitalization (to be kept to a minimum) and other aspects.
The style adapted should be appropriate for scholarly journals with an audience of specialists in a diversity of fields and nationalities; this said, jargon is to be avoided and articles should be readily comprehensible by non-specialists. Measurements should be metric, not imperial. Non-native speakers of English are strongly advised to have their contributions checked by a native speaker before submission. Both British and American English variants are admitted, but an article must be internally consistent in the use of whichever is selected.
Figures, site plans, maps, etc., should be drawn on strong paper, white card, or good quality tracing film, and suitably lettered for printing.
They should measure approximately twice the intended final size which should be indicated where possible. If these have been scanned or are computer-generated then the appropriate disks should be sent indicating format, together with hard copy.
Do not ‘embed’ any scanned graphics in the text on the disk. A published full-page illustration may not exceed 210mm x 140mm. Photographs should be printed on glossy paper and mounted on thin card. Figures, maps, and plates should be titled and numbered; originals should be numbered lightly on the back in pencil only. A list of captions to figures and plates must be provided on separate sheets.
Authors must obtain approval, before submission, for reproduction of illustrations or other material not their own.
Redrawing or lettering of maps or figures cannot be undertaken by the Siam Society or the editor, who may omit or return sub-standard work for representation.
Proofs and Offprints
Page proofs will be sent to authors if time allows. Authors are reminded that these are intended for checking, not rewriting: substantial changes to the text at this stage will result in the contribution being rejected. Failure to return proofs by the required date may lead to substitution of the editor’s corrected proofs.
One copy of the Journal and thirty offprints will be supplied free to authors on publication of the issue in which their contribution is included.
Unsolicited book reviews are not normally accepted. Offers to write reviews should be directed to the Editor, Journal of the Siam Society. Reviews should normally be 1,000-2,000 words in length, written in English and supplied as a print-out and on disk as for articles. Full bibliographic details about the book under review must be supplied, including number of pages and price, if known.
Disclaimer and resolution of conflict
The opinions expressed in the JSS are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Siam Society. The editor’s decision is final.