Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 2.1 1905

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; US$32
  • Institutions; US$80

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TitleAuthorPDF file
Rules of the Siam SocietyJSS_002_1b_RulesOfTheSiamSociety
A Propose des Origines et de I'Histoire Ancienne du SiamPetithuguenin, P.JSS_002_1d_Petithuguenin_OriginesEtHistoireAncienneDuSiam
Researches into Indigenous Law of Siam as a study of Comparative JurisprudenceMasao, T.JSS_002_1e_Masao_IndigenousLawOfSiam
Note sur les Populations de la Region des Montagnes des CardamonesBrengues, JeanJSS_002_1f_Brengues_PopulationsDesMontagnesDesCardamones
Some Archaeological Notes on Monthon PuketBourke, W. WaIterJSS_002_1g_Bourke_ArchaeologicalNotesOnMonthonPuket
A Supposed Dutch Translation of a Siamese State Paper in 1688Anonymous (Frankfurter, O.)JSS_002_1h_Anon_SupposedDutchTranslationOfSiameseStatePaper1688
Geheimrat BastianJSS_002_1i_GeheimratBastian
In Memoriam J. A. L. BrandesJSS_002_1j_InMemoriamJALBrandes
Meetings and Reports of the SocietyJSS_002_1k_MeetingsAndReportOfSociety
Meteorological RecordsJSS_002_1l_MonthlyMeteorologicalAverages1905
In Memorium Doctor Jean BrenguesJSS_002_1m_JeanBrengues