Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 21.2 1927-28

JSS Subscription Rate (per year/volume):-
  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
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Note sur notre transcription des parlers taiBurnay, J., and Coedes, GJSS_021_2b_BurnayCoedes_TranscriptionDesParlersTai
The origins of the Sukhodaya scriptBurnay, J., and Coedes, GJSS_021_2c_BurnayCoedes_OriginsOfKukhodayaScript1
Note sur les tons et les initiales du vieux-siamois a l'epoque de SukhodayaBurnay, J., and Coedes, GJSS_021_2d_BurnayCoedes_TonsAndInitialesDuVieuxSiamoisEpoqueSukhodaya
Kho et Kho et leur origineBurnay, J., and Coedes, GJSS_021_2e_BurnayCoedes_KhoEtKhoEtLeurOrigine
English Correspondence of King MongkutCoedes, G.JSS_021_2f_EnglishCorrespondenceOfKingMongkutContinued
Additions to the LibraryJSS_021_2i_AdditionsToLibrary