Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 50.2 1962

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; US$32
  • Institutions; US$80
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TitleAuthorPDF file
Study of Early Cartography of Thailand (Siam)Salwidhannidhes, PhvaJSS_050_2b_PhyaSalwidhannidhes_EarlyCartographyOfThailand
The Mission of Sir John Bowring to SiamTarling, NicholasJSS_050_2c_Tarling_MissionOfSirJohnBowring
The Khwan and its CeremoniesAnuman Raiadhon, PhyaJSS_050_2d_PhyaAnumanRajadhon_KhwanAndItsCeremonies
Expedition to the 'Khon Pa' (or Phi Tong Luang)Kraisri Nimmanahaeminda and Hertland-Swann, JulianJSS_050_2e_KraisriHertlandSwann_ExpeditionToKhonPa
Accessions to the LibraryJSS_050_2g_AccessionsToLibrary
Siam Society Research Centre Annual ReportJSS_050_2h_SiamSocietyResearchCentreThirdAnnualReport