Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 71.0 1983

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
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  • Institutions; US$80
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TitleAuthorPDF file
Nirat KashmirBunjue OngkhapraditJSS_071_0b_BunjueaOngprasit_NiratKashmir
Some Early Siva Lingas in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Penninsular ThailandO'Connor, Stanley J.JSS_071_0c_OConnor_EarlySivaLingasInNakhonSiThammarat
Southern Thai khlok: an Etymological SpeculationPitsamai IntarachatJSS_071_0d_PitsamaiIntarachat_SouthernThaiKhlokEtymologicalSpeculation
Energy Transition in a Market Township and its Environs on an Island in Southern ThailandCohen, ErikJSS_071_0e_Cohen_EnergyTransitiononIslandInSouthernThailand
Thai Conjugal Family Relationships and the Hsu HypothesisMuecke, Marjorie A.JSS_071_0f_Muecke_ThaiConjugalRelationshipsAndHsuHypothesis
Ahom and the Study of Early Thai SocietyTerwiel, Barend JanJSS_071_0g_Terwiel_AhomAndStudyOfEarlyTaiSociety
The Shan Rocket Festival: Buddhist and Non- Buddhist Aspects of Shan ReligionDurrenberger, E. PaulJSS_071_0h_Durrenberger_ShanRocketFestival
Pali Manuscripts of Canonical Texts from North Thailand – A Preliminary ReportVon Hinuber, OskarJSS_071_0i_Hinuber_PaliManuscriptsOfCanonicalTextsFromNThailand
Redefining the Sangha's Role in Northern Thailand: An Investigation of Monastic Careers at Five Chiang Mai WatsGosling, David L.JSS_071_0j_Gosling_RedefiningSanghaRoleInNThailand
The Spirits Aren't So Powerful Any More; Spirit Belief and Irrigation Organization in North ThailandLando, Richard P.JSS_071_0k_Lando_SpiritsArentSoPowerfulAnyMoreIrrigationInNThailand
Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) Rites for Establishing a New Village,Walker, Anthony R.JSS_071_0l_Walker_LahuNyiRitesForEstablishingNewVillage
Notes on Angkor Wat (Notes)Sulak SivaraksaJSS_071_0m_SulakSivaraksa_NotesOnAngkorWat
Hommage a l'inspirateur de la Thailande moderne, Pridi Banomyong (Obituary)Baron-Renault, BrunoJSS_071_0o_Obituary
Annual Report List of MembersJSS_071_0p_AnnualReportListOfMembers