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31 March 2023

Heritage Matters: Save our fading modern architecture

“Most people consider this type of concrete building to be outdated, run-down and just ordinary. It might be a hotel, bank branch, office building, stadium or house. It might even be well designed, perhaps beautiful. But it will probably be demolished in the next 10 to 20 years, like many before, because most of us overlook the value of this kind of architecture.”

The Siam Society Under Royal Patronage is delighted to share with you today the ninth article from “Heritage Matters”, a monthly series aimed at identifying the challenges and opportunities of cultural heritage conservation published by The Siam Society in the Bangkok Post.

In this month’s article, Weerapon Singnoi discusses the issue of the demolition of modernist buildings in Thailand that has been overlooked as these buildings might not be classified as historic architecture. Constructed during the 1950s to the 1970s, these modernist buildings are perceived as ‘outdated’. However, Weerapon argues that they are a part of our living history and should be preserved. Weerapon also proposes that, instead of tearing down these buildings or altering their so-called outdated appearances, they can be turned into museums, galleries, recreation centres, libraries, and other facilities.

The full article can be read here.

Weerapon Singnoi is an architectural photographer and initiator of ‘Foto_momo: Fotograph of the Modern Movement’.