Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 45, No. 2, 1997

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; THB 300 (Thailand) / US$ 32 (International)
  • Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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Research Articles

A Survey of the Avifauna in Similan National Park, Thailand.

Mark Desholm & Anne Margrethe Wegeberg NHBSS_045_2f_Desholm_ASurveyOfTheAvif

Brood Thermoregulation by the Dwarf Honey Bee (Apis florea F.).

Michael Burgett, Manas Titayavan & Chutikarn Kitprasert NHBSS_045_2g_Burgett_BroodThermoregula

Unmasking the Real Identity of Sapria poilanei Gagnepain emend., and Description of Sapria ram sp.n. (Rafflesiaceae).

Hans Bänziger & Bertel Hansen NHBSS_045_2h_Banziger_UnmaskingTheReal

Systematic Revision of the Tropical Asian Labeoin Cyprinid Fish Genus Cirrhinus, with Descriptions of New Species and Biological Observations on C. lobatus.

Tyson R. Roberts NHBSS_045_2i_Roberts_SystematicRevisio

Forest Restoration Research in Northern Thailand: 2. The Fruits, Seeds and Seedlings of Gluta usitata (Wall.) Hou (Anacardiaceae).

Stephen Elliott, Siriporn Kopachon, Kitiya Suriya, Surat Plukum, Greuk Pakaad, Puttipong Navakitbumrung, J.F. Maxwell, Vilaiwan Anusarnsunthorn, Nancy C. Garwood & David Blakesley NHBSS_045_2j_Elliott_ForestRestoration

Cornukaempferia, a New Genus of Zingiberaceae from Thailand.

John Mood & Kai Larsen NHBSS_045_2k_Mood_CornukaempferiaANewG


A Rare Sighting of Asian Wild Dog Cuon alpinus Feeding in Khao Yai National Park.

Frank Lambert & Mark Graham NHBSS_045_2l_Lambert_ARareSightingOfAs

Nesting Records of Chestnut-capped Thrush (Zoothera interpres) from Peninsular Thailand.

Philip D. Round & Uthai Treesucon NHBSS_045_2m_Round_NestingRecordsOfChe

A Record of the Nominate Race of Narcissus Flycatcher, Ficedula n. narcissina, for Thailand.

Philip D. Round & Stephen Rumsey NHBSS_045_2n_Round_ARecordOfTheNominat

Scaly-sided Merganser (Mergus squamatus) on Doi Inthanon: an Addition to the List of Thai Birds.

Philip D. Round & Filip Verbelen NHBSS_045_2o_Round_ScalySidedMerganser

Kumpol’s Tree Gecko, Cnemaspsis kumpoli (Sauria: Gekkonidae) Preyed upon by the White-spotted Cat Snake, Boiga drapezeii (Serpentes: Colubridae).

John C. Murphy, Tanya Chan-ard, Kobsak Suwannarat & Harold K. Voris NHBSS_045_2p_Murphy_KumpolsTreeGeckoCn

Instruction for Contributors


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