Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 28, 1980

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; THB 300 (Thailand) / US$ 32 (International)
  • Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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A New species of Sunipia (Orchidaceae) from Thailand.

Gunnar Seidenfaden NHBSS_028_d_Seidenfaden_ANewSpecie

Vegetation of Khao Khieo Game Sanctuary, Chonburi Province, Thailand.

J.F. Maxwell NHBSS_028_e_Maxwell_VegetationfKhaoKh

A Preliminary Biological Survey of Khao Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary.

Philip J. Storer NHBSS_028_f_Storer_APreliminaryBiol

Notes on a Trip in Peninsular Siam.

F.W. Foxworthy NHBSS_028_g_Foxworthy_NotesOnATrip

Scarab Beetle Communities in Deciduous Dipterocarp and Dry Evergreen Forests in Northeastern Thailand.

Vasana Sukapanpotharam NHBSS_028_h_Sukapanpotharam_ScarabBee

The Birds of Salak Phra Wildlife Sanctuary, Southwestern Thailand.

Gary J. Wiles NHBSS_028_i_Wiles_TheBirdsOfSalakPhra

Faeces Deterioration Rates of Four Wild Ungulates in Thailand.

Gary J. Wiles NHBSS_028_j_Wiles_FaecesDeterioratio

An Additional Species of Squirrel, Petinomys vordermanni, in Thailand.

Illar Muul NHBSS_028_k_Muul_AnAdditionalSpeciesO

An Occurrence of Thyrsitoides marleyi Fowler in the Andaman Sea (Pisces: Gempylidae).

Thosaporn Wongratana NHBSS_028_l_Wongratana_AnOccurrenceO

A Checklist of the Clupeoid Fishes of Thailand (Pisces: Clupeidae, Engraulidae).

Thosaporn Wongratana NHBSS_028_m_Wongratana_AChecklistOfTh

Annotated Key to the Genera of Zingiberaceae of Thailand.

Kai Larsen NHBSS_028_n_Larsen_AnnotatedKeyToTh

Literature Reviews

T. Smitinand NHBSS_028_o_Smitinand_LiteratureRevie

Book Reviews

Flora of Thailand. eds. by Tem Smitinand & Kai Larsen.

Benjamin C. Stone NHBSS_028_p_Stone_FloraOfThailand

Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viet-Nam. eds. by A. Aubreville & J.-F. Leroy.

T. Smitinand NHBSS_028_q_Smitinand_FloreDuCambodge

Plants of Khao Yai National Park. ed. by Tem Smitinand.

Kasin Suvatabundhu NHBSS_028_r_Suvatabundhu_PlantsOfKhao

A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia. by Ben King, Martin Woodcock & E.C. Dickinson.

Robert L. Fleming, Jr. NHBSS_028_s_Fleming_AFieldGuideToTheB

Bird Guide of Thailand. by Boonsong Lekagul & Edward W. Cronin, Jr.

Robert L. Fleming, Jr. NHBSS_028_t_Fleming_BirdGuideOfThaila

Primates of South Asia: Ecology, Sociobiology, and Behaviour. by M.L. Roonwal & S.M. Mohnot.

Jeremy Raemaekers NHBSS_028_u_Raemaekers_PrimatesOfSout

A Field Study on Sumatran Orang Utans. by H.D. Rijksen.

Jeremy Raemaekers NHBSS_028_v_Raemaekers_AFieldStudyOn

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