Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 72.0 1984

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TitleAuthorPDF file
A Prolegomena on Traditional Wisdom in Karen FolkloreSuriya RatanakulJSS_072_0b_SuriyaRatanakul_ProlegomenaOnTraditionalWisdomInKarenFolklore
Why Were the Jatakas Hidden Away; at Wat Si ChumGosling, BettyJSS_072_0c_Gosling_WhyWereJatakasHiddenAwayAtWatSichum
Les Ambassadeurs Siamois a Versailles le ler septembre 1686 dans un bas relief en bronze d'A.CoysevoxJacq-Hergoualc'h, MichelJSS_072_0d_JacqHergoualch_AmbassadesSiamoisesAVersailles1686
Prolegomena to Methods for Using the Ayutthayan Laws as Historical Source MaterialVickery, MichaelJSS_072_0e_Vickery_ProlegomenaToMethodsForUsingAyutthayanLawsAsHistoricalSource
The Interrogation of Zeya Suriya Kyaw a Burmese account of the Junk Ceylon Campaigns of 1809-1810Skinner, CyrilJSS_072_0f_Skinner_InterrogationOfZeyaSuriyaKyaw
The 1902 Siamese-Kelantan Treaty: an End to the Traditional RelationsKobkua Suwannathat-PianJSS_072_0g_KobkuaSuwannathatPian_1903SiameseKelantanTreaty
Some Aspects of the Political and Economic Systems of the Nineteenth Century Northern Malay States: Kedah, Kelantan and TrengganuPhan-Ngam GothamasanJSS_072_0h_PhanNgamGothasan_19thCenturyNorthernMalayStates
The Sangha Organization in Nineteenth Century Burma and ThailandAye KyawJSS_072_0i_AyeKaw_SanghaOrganizationIn19thCenturyBurmaAndThailand
The Sovereignty of Dhamma and Economic Development: Buddhist Social Ethics in Rural ThailandCohen, Paul T.JSS_072_0j_Cohen_SovereigntyOfDhammaAndEconomicDevelopment
Values of Thai Buddhists and Thai ChristiansHughes, PhilipJSS_072_0k_Hughes_ValuesOfThaiBuddhistsAndChristians
A Note on Mr.Michael Wright's lecture on the historical Lankan Buddhist connection in Siam and Cambujia (Notes)Suriyakumaran, C.JSS_072_0l_Suriyakumaran_MichaelWrightsLecture
In Memoriam Mom Luang Boonlua Debyasuvarn (Obituary)Chetana NagavajaraJSS_072_0n_Obituary