Dunhuang Revisited: Mogao Buddhist Caves (4th -14th Centuries)

Dunhuang Revisited: Mogao Buddhist Caves (4th -14th Centuries)

H Back to Lectures Dunhuang Revisited: Mogao Buddhist Caves (4th -14th Centuries) Mogao, the cave-temples near the town of Dunhuang in the west of China’s Gansu province, form what is arguably the world’s most extraordinary gallery of Buddhist art: hewn from the...
Tai Herbalism

Tai Herbalism

H Back to Lectures Tai Herbalism There is a saying among minority people, “To annihilate my culture and identity, you must first destroy my language and writing.” Through intentional political policy or simple ignorance and neglect, minorities worldwide remain at risk...
Colonial Law Making: Cambodia Under the French

Colonial Law Making: Cambodia Under the French

H Back to Lectures Colonial Law Making: Cambodia Under the French “Like its neighbour Siam, but unfortunately to a far inferior degree, Cambodia has made, during these last years, serious efforts to improve her justice.”  (Note on Cambodian Justice, by Henri...