H Back to Lectures Journey to Southern Thailand and Burma Explorer, Oriental scholar and diplomat, Pierre Lefèvre-Pontalis (1864-1938) was a member of the Pavie Mission to Laos in the 1890s and participated in drawing up the borders between French Indochina and...
H Back to Lectures (Mindfulness Workshops) Enlightenment in This Lifetime: Liberation Through the Practice of the Buddha’s Teaching The special series of talks on 19-22 November 2024 and extended to 11 and 13 December aimed to shed new light on Buddhism and meditation...
H Back to Lectures Rendered Invisible: Pom Mahakan, Bangkok, and Cultural Rights This talk is a story about the demise of the Pom Mahakan community and some lessons learned. The Pom Mahakan community was one of thousands of urban communities around the world under...
H Back to Lectures In Bangkok: Siam’s Capital through Foreign Eyes, 1895-1935 “What is Bangkok like?” asked an American visitor rhetorically around the turn of the last century. Some sought to answer the question by evoking its “oriental” atmosphere or by relying on...
H Back to Lectures Praetorian Kingdom: A History of Military Ascendancy in Thailand Who’s who in the Thai military? Why and how has the military evolved to enjoy the enormous power it continues to wield? Why have coups occurred? What is the future of the Thai...
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