Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 17.2 1923

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
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  • Institutions; US$80
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TitleAuthorPDF file
Some notes about the Karens in SiamAndersen, J.P.JSS_017_2b_Anderson_KarensInSiam
Rueang rangkai thamniam phrapheni kan liang chip thung phasa chao yangdaengJan KhonthasenJSS_017_2c_NaiJanKhonthasen_RueangYangDaeng
The Red Karens, a translation of the above paperWalton, E:J.JSS_017_2d_Walton_RedKarens
The Lawa, additional noteSeidenfaden, E.JSS_017_2e_Seidenfaden_LawaAdditionalNote
Notices of BooksJSS_017_2f_NoticesOfBooks
Notes of the QuarterJSS_017_2g_NotesOfQuarter
Additions to the libraryJSS_017_2h_AdditionsToLibrary