Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 19.1 1925

JSS Subscription Rate (per year/volume):-
  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; US$32
  • Institutions; US$80
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Doi AngkaGarrett, H.B., and Kerr, A.F.G.JSS_019_1b_GarrettKerr_DoiAngka
Some results from the Polish Solar Radiation Expedition to Siam and Java (March-August 1923)Gorczynski, L.JSS_019_1c_GorczynskiPolishSolarRadiationExpeditionToSiamAndJava
Rapport sur les travaux du Service Archeologique pour l'annee 2466 (1924-1925)Coedes, G.JSS_019_1d_Coedes_RapportDeServiceArcheologique2467
Indian Buddhist IconographyBhattacharya, B.JSS_019_1e_Bhattacharya_IndianBuddhistIconography
Florae Siamensis EnumeratioCraib, W. G.JSS_019_1f_Craib_FloraeSiamensisEnumeratio
Notes of the QuarterJSS_019_1g_NotesOfQuarterAccounts
Rules of the SocietyJSS_019_1h_RulesOfSociety