Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 74.0 1986

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TitleAuthorPDF file
Song Roi Pi Si SunthonAngkarn KalyanaphongJSS_074_0b_200piSunthonPhu
200 pi duaiKhanchai BunpanJSS_074_0b_200piSunthonPhu
Sunthon PhuSujit WongthetJSS_074_0h_Gunn_ShamansAndRebelsBatchaiRebellionInNLaos
Les Moken: Literature Orale et Signes de Reconnaissance CulturelleIvanoff, JacquesJSS_074_0c_Ivanoff_MokenLitteratureOrale
The Episode of Maiyarab in the Thai Ramakien and Its Possible Relationship to Tamil FolkloreSingaravelu, S.JSS_074_0d_Singaravelu_EpisodeOfMaiyarabInRamakianAndTamilFolklore
Meta-Rhymes in Classical Thai PoetryHudak, Thomas JohnJSS_074_0e_Hudak_MetaRhymesInClassicalThaiPoetry
Merit and the Market: Thai Symbolizations of Self-interestO'Connor, Richard A.JSS_074_0f_OConnor_MeritAndTheMarket
Thailand's Bare-headed Doctors: Thai Monks in Rural Health CareGosling, David L.JSS_074_0g_Gosling_ThailandsBareHeadedDoctors
Shammansand Rebels: The Batchai (MEO) Rebellion of Northern Laos and North-west Vietnam (1918-21)Gunn, Geoffrey C.JSS_074_0h_Gunn_ShamansAndRebelsBatchaiRebellionInNLaos
Remnant of A Lost Nation and Their Cognate Words to Old Mon EpigraphNai Pan HlaJSS_074_0i_NaiPanHla_RemnantOfALostNation
The Last of the Princes: A Centennial Reflection on the Life and Work of Prince Dhani-nivat Kromamun BidyalabhSulak SivaraksaJSS_074_0j_SulakSivaraksa_LastOfPrincesDhaniNivat
Some Remarks About The Life And Works Of Sunthon PhuWenk, KlausJSS_074_0k_Wenk_LifeAndWorkOfSunthonPhu
Reply to Michael Wright on Why Were the Jatakas 'Hidden Away' at Wat Si Chum? (Notes)Gosling, BettyJSS_074_0l_Gosling_ReplyToWright
Obituary: MC Pilailekha DiskulJSS_074_0m_Obituary