Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 84.1 1996

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; US$32
  • Institutions; US$80
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TitleAuthorPDF file
Symbols on the Body, Feet, and Hands of a Buddha, (part II)Peter SkillingJSS_084_1b_Skilling_SymbolsOnBodyFeetHandsOfBuddhaII
More Thoughts on the Ancient Culture of the Tai PeopleCheah YanchongJSS_084_1c_CheahYanchong_AncientCultureOfTaiPeople
The Thai Census of 1904: Translation and AnalysisVolker GrabowskyJSS_084_1d_Grabowsky_ThaiCensus1904
Chi (Ji) un mot d'origine khmere en usage dans la langue thaieOlivier de BernonJSS_084_1e_Bernon_ChiMotDOrigineKhmere
Les manuscrits en thai: du Nord de la Siam SocietyFrancois LagirardeJSS_084_1f_Lagirarde_ManuscritsEnThaiDuNordDeSiamSociety
Thai Stamps from 1883Helmut GrosJSS_084_1g_Gros_ThaiStampsFrom1883
Peter G. Warr, ed. The Thai Economy in TransitionReviewed by Ronald Bruce St JohnJSS_084_1h_Reviews
Hans Penth Jinakalamali IndexReviewed by David K. WyattJSS_084_1h_Reviews
Pasuk Phongpaichit Chris Baker Thailand Economy and PoliticsReviewed by M.R. Rujaya AbhakornJSS_084_1h_Reviews
List of MembersJSS_084_1i_ListOfMembers