Visit by Goethe Institut
On Tuesday, 2 May 2023, Ms Kanitha Kasina-Ubol, Managing Director of The Siam Society, welcomed Mr Johannes Hossfeld, the Director of Goethe Institut, and his 3 assistants to The Siam Society.
After our visit to Goethe Institut on 24 November 2022, we had a chance to introduce them to our beautiful compound including our auditorium, library, and the Kamthieng House Museum and a chance to show them the rare books and resources in the German language that are kept in our Rare Book Collection. We also had an opportunity to highlight The Siam Society’s mission to be the knowledge-sharing hub and exchange experiences of past cultural collaboration and organising cultural events with the representatives from Goethe Institut.
As one of Thailand’s oldest cultural organisations that aims to promote the study and knowledge-sharing about the cultures, history, arts, and heritage conservation of Thailand and its neighbouring countries, The Siam Society looks forward to collaborating with Goethe Institut in the near future.