Publications ‣ NHBSS
Vol. 20, No.3, 1963
NHBSS Subscription Rate (per year/volume):-
- Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
- Non-member Individuals; THB 300 (Thailand) / US$ 32 (International)
- Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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Title | Author | PDF file |
Front cover | NHBSS_020_3a_FrontCover | |
Front | NHBSS_020_3b_Front | |
Contents | NHBSS_020_3c_Contents | |
Notes on Fishes along the River Kwae Noi in Western Thailand. | Palle Johnsen | NHBSS_020_3d_Johnsen_NotesOnFishesAlo |
A Preliminary List of the Orchids of Khao Yai National Park. | P.F. Cumberlege & V.M.S. Cumberlege | NHBSS_020_3e_Cumberlege_APreliminary |
A Preliminary List of the Birds of Khao Yai National Park. | E.C. Dickinson | NHBSS_020_3f_Dickinson_APreliminaryL |
A Contribution to the Ornithology of Doi Khun Tan. | E.C. Dickinson | NHBSS_020_3g_Dickinson_AContributionT |
Note | ||
A. F. G. Kerr (1877-1942). | Editors | NHBSS_020_3h_Editors_AFGKerr18771942 |
The Waders (Limicolae) of Thailand. | Editors | NHBSS_020_3i_Editros_TheWadersLimic |
Study on the Flora of Thailand. | Tem Smitinand | NHBSS_020_3j_Smitinand_StudyOnTheFl |
Back cover | NHBSS_020_3k_Backcover |