Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 55, No. 1, 2007

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Publication of a Translation of and the Previously Unpublished Illustrations for a Little-known Work Describing New Taxa of Cyprinid Fishes from Northern Vietnam by Nguyen and Doan, 1969.

Tyson R. Roberts NHBSS_055_1f_Roberts_PublicationOfATra

Research Articles

Some Data on Composition, Origin, and Distribution of Cyprinid Fish Species in Northern Vietnam with Descriptions of New Taxa.

Nguyen Van Hao & Doan Le Hoa NHBSS_055_1g_VanHao_SomeDataOnComposi

Figures of the New Taxa of Cyprinid Fishes Described by Nguyen and Doan, 1969.

Nguyen Van Hao NHBSS_055_1h_VanHao_FiguresOfTheNewTax

Designation of Lectotypes and Neotypes, Systematic Status, and Biological Remarks on Red River Cyprinidae Described by Nguyen and Doan, 1969.

Tyson R. Roberts & David Catania NHBSS_055_1i_Roberts_DesignationOfLect

The Drone Mating Flight of the Eastern Honeybee (Apis cerana F.): Duration, Temporal Period and Inter-flight Period.

D.M. Burgett, M. Titayavan & P. Sukumalanand NHBSS_055_1j_Burgett_TheDroneMatingFlig

Some 1960s Additions to the List of Thailand’s Birds.

Ben King NHBSS_055_1k_King_Some1960sAdditionsTo

Fishes and Forests: The Importance of Seasonally Flooded Riverine Habitat for Mekong River Fish Feeding.

Ian G. Baird NHBSS_055_1l_Baird_FishesAndForestsThe

Crocodiles, a Frog, and Other Ancient Khmer Cosmic Symbols.

Tyson R. Roberts NHBSS_055_1m_Roberts_CrocodilesAFrogAn


Two New Records of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) from Thailand.

Yuttaya Yuyen, Piya Chalermglin & Vilaiwan Anusarnsunthorn NHBSS_055_1n_Yuyen_TwoNewRecordsOfGoni

Botanical Notes on the Flora of Northern Thailand: 8, New Records.

J.F. Maxwell NHBSS_055_1o_Maxwell_BotanicalNotesOnTheF

Observations of Small-toothed Palm Civets Arctogalidia trivirgata in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, with Notes on Feeding Techniques.

J.W. Duckworth & A.R. Nettelbeck NHBSS_055_1p_Duckworth_ObservationsOfSm

Return of Wild Phayre’s Leaf Monkey Infants to Their Social Group in Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand.

Eileen Larney, Araya Yamee, Luke Gibson, Daniel Pesek, Tara Whitty, Brigham Whitman, Am Noi Bprasapmu & Wet Nueorngshiyos NHBSS_055_1q_Larney_ReturnOfWildPhayre



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