Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 3.2 1906

JSS Subscription Rate (per year/volume):-
  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; US$32
  • Institutions; US$80

Read articles below

TitleAuthorPDF file
Some Suggestions for Romanizing SiameseFrankfurter, O.JSS_003_2b_Frankfurter_SomeSuggestionsForRomanizingSiamese
Secret Writing in SiameseFrankfurter, O.JSS_003_2c_Frankfurter_SecretWritingInSiamese
Economical Development of Siamvan der Heide, J. HomanJSS_003_2d_VanDerHeide_EconomicalDevelopmentOfSiam
Annual General Meeting 1907. Report for 1906. Balance Sheet 1906-JSS_003_2e_AGM1907Report1906