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Volume. 104 2016

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TitleAuthorPDF file
The Tai Original DiasporaGrant EvansJSS_104_0b_Evans_TaiOriginalDiaspora
Kra-Dai and the Proto-History of South China and VietnamJames R. ChamberlainJSS_104_0c_Chamberlain_KraDaiAndProtoHistoryofSouthChinaAndVietnam
Two Scrolls Depicting Phra Phetracha’s Funeral Procession in 1704 and the Riddle of their Creation aBarend J. TerwielJSS_104_0d_Terwiel_Appendix
Kromluang Yothathep: King Narai’s Daughter and Ayutthaya Court IntrigueBhawan RuangsilpJSS_104_0e_Bhawan_KromluangYothathepKingNarai'sDaughter
Disappointing Gifts: Dialectics of Gift Exchange in Early Modern European-East Asian Diplomatic PracticeAndrew TurtonJSS_104_0f_Turton_DisappointingGiftsDialecticsOfGiftExchange
The Recreation of the Mother-of-Pearl Inlay Door Panels of the Temple of the Emerald BuddhaWeeraya JuntradeeJSS_104_0g_Weeraya_RecreationOfMotherOfPearlInlayDoorPanels
Treatise on Smallpox VaccinationDan Beach Bradley, translated by Quentin (Trais) PearsonJSS_104_0h_Bradley_TreatiseOnSmallpoxVaccination
Contending Identities: Islam and Ethnicity in Old BangkokEdward Van RoyJSS_104_0i_VanRoy_ContendingIdentitiesIslamAndEthnicityInOldBangkok
Building the Next Generation of Thai-Chinese: The Role of Chinese-Sponsored Schools in Hat YaiRobert L. Cummings, JJSS_104_0j_Cummings_BuildingNextGenerationOfThaiChinese
The Lahu-speaking Peoples of the Yunnan-Indochina Borderlands: A Threefold Religious Heritage and its Consequent SyncretismsAnthony R. WalkerJSS_104_0k_Walker_LahuSpeakingPeoplesOfYunnanIndochineseBorderlands
The Sittan of Monè (Mäng Nai): Shan Principality and Nyaungyan Burma, 1633-1763Ken KirigayaJSS_104_0l_Kirigaya_SittanOfMone
On LovemakingPrince Thammathibet, translated by Chris Baker and Pasuk PhongpaichitJSS_104_0m_Thammathibet_OnLovemaking
Embodied Nation: Sport, Masculinity, and the Making of Modern Laos by Simon CreakReviewed by Martin Stuart-FoxJSS_104_0n_StuartFox_ReviewArticleCreak
The Ten Great Birth Stories of the Buddha: The Mahānipāta of the Jātakatthavaṇṇanā translated by Naomi Appleton and Sarah ShawReviewed by Justin Thomas McDanielJSS_104_0o_Reviews
The Wheel-Turner and his House: Kingship in a Buddhist Ecumene by Geok Yian GohReviewed by Donald M. StadtnerJSS_104_0o_Reviews
Water and Light by George Groslier, translated by Pedro Rodríguez, edited by Kent DavisReviewed by Lia GenoveseJSS_104_0o_Reviews
A History of the Thai-Chinese by Jeffery Sng and Pimpraphai BisalputraReviewed by Wasana WongsurawatJSS_104_0o_Reviews
Forging Islamic Power and Place: The Legacy of Shaykh Da’ud bin ‘Abd Allah al-Fatani in Mecca and Southeast Asia by Francis R. BradleyReviewed by Patrick JoryJSS_104_0o_Reviews
The Lost Territories: Thailand’s History of National Humiliation by Shane StrateReviewed by James A. WarrenJSS_104_0o_Reviews
Buddhist Art of Myanmar edited by Sylvia Fraser-Lu and Donald M. StadtnerReviewed by John N. MiksicJSS_104_0o_Reviews
The Siamese Trail of Ho Chi Minh by Teddy Spha PalasthiraReviewed by Tony WatersJSS_104_0o_Reviews
Siege of the Spirits: Community and Polity in Bangkok by Michael HerzfeldReviewed by Chris BakerJSS_104_0o_Reviews
From Mulberry Leaves to Silk Scrolls: New Approaches to the Study of Asian Manuscript Traditions edited by Justin Thomas McDaniel and Lynn RansomReviewed by Chris BakerJSS_104_0o_Reviews
A Sarong for Clio: Essays on the Intellectual and Cultural History of Thailand – Inspired by Craig J. Reynolds edited by Maurizio PeleggiReviewed by Wasana WongsurawatJSS_104_0o_Reviews
[Obituaries] H.E. Dr. Thanat Khoman (1914-2016)JSS_104_0p_ObituaryThanatKhoman
Contributors to this VolumeJSS_104_0q_Contributors