Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 48.2 1960

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TitleAuthorPDF file
Chen-li-fu : A State on the Gulf of Siam at the beginning of the 13th CenturyWolters, O.W.JSS_048_2b_Wolters_ChenLiFu
Fertility Rites in ThailandAnuman Rajadhon, PhyaJSS_048_2c_PhyaAnumanRajadhon_FertilityRitesInThailand
Siam and Sir James BrookeTarling, NicholasJSS_048_2d_Tarling_SiamAndSirJamesBrooke
A Funeral in Yang Terng, Changwat Ubol Northeast ThailandKickert, RobertJSS_048_2e_Kickert_FuneralInYangTerngChangwatUbol
Notes on Archaeological Survey and Excavations in North-Eastern Thailand in 1959Boeles J.J.JSS_048_2f_Boeles_ArchaeologicalSurveyInNortheasternThailand1959
Protocol of the Royal Family (Note)Dhani Nivat, PrinceJSS_048_2g_PrinceDhaniNivat_ProtocolOfRoyalFamily
Siam Society Research Centre Annual ReportJSS_048_2h_SiamSocietyResearchCentreReport