Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 79.1 1991

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
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TitleAuthorPDF file
In Commemoration: Celebration of the Centenary of H.R.H. Prince Wan WaithayakornDavis, BonnieJSS_079_1b_Davis_CentenaryOfPrinceWan
Gala Dinner Launches Fund Raising DriveRogers, PeterJSS_079_1c_Rogers_GalaDinner
The Major Role of the Mons in Southeast AsiaNai Pan HlaJSS_079_1d_NaiPanHla_MajorRoleOfMonsInSEA
The Ultimate Origin of the World or the Mula MuhGuillon, EmmanuelJSS_079_1e_Guillon_UltimateOriginOfWorldAndOtherMonBeliefs
Notes on Mon EpigraphyBauer, ChristianJSS_079_1f_Bauer_MonEpigraphy
Ceramic Wares of the Haripunjaya AreaDi Crocco, Virginia M.JSS_079_1g_Crocco_CeramicWaresOfHaripunjayaArea
Thai History? What Thai History?Chand, Mom ChaoJSS_079_1h_Chand_WhatThaiHistory
A Point of Correction (Notes)Edmondson, Jerold A., and Solnit, David B.JSS_079_1i_Comment
In Memory of Mom Rachawongse Patanachai Jayant (Obituary)Rachit BuriJSS_079_1k_ObituaryPatanachaiJayant