Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 8, No. 3, 1931

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
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  • Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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The Birds of the Chiengmai Region.

H.G. Deignan NHBSS_008_3b_Deignan_TheBirdsOfTheChie

Notes on Siamese Fishes.

Huge M. Smith NHBSS_008_3c_Smith_NotesOnSiameseFis

On a Collection of Butterflies from Kaw Tao.

E.J. Godfrey NHBSS_008_3d_Godfrey_OnACollectionOfB

Notes on Introduced Plants in Siam.

A. Kerr NHBSS_008_3e_Kerr_NotesOnIntroducedP

Carpenter Bees Eating Lead Cable-Covers.

W.R.S. Ladell NHBSS_008_3f_Ladell_CarpenterBeesEatin

Miscellaneous Notes

A Swarm of Butterflies in Bangkok.

E.J. Godfrey NHBSS_008_3g_Godfrey_ASwarmOfButterfli

A New Parasitic Hymenoptera.

W.R.S. Ladell NHBSS_008_3h_Ladell_ANewParasiticHyme

A New Moth from Siam.

W.R.S. Ladell NHBSS_008_3i_Ladell_ANewMothFromSiam

Dispersal of Fruit by Wind.

A. Kerr NHBSS_008_3j_Kerr_DispersalOfFruitByW

Habitat of Schomburgk’s Deer.

A. Kerr NHBSS_008_3k_Kerr_HabitatOfSchomburgk

Sounds following Earthquake.

H.B. Garrett NHBSS_008_3l_Garrett_SoundsFollowingEarth

An Edible Larva (Zeuzera coffeae).

A. Kerr NHBSS_008_3m_Kerr_AnEdibleLarvaZeuzeraCof


Reisen in Siam. by W. Credner.

Erik Seidenfaden NHBSS_008_3n_Seidenfaden_ReisenInSiam

Geographische Untersuchungen in Siam. by W. Credner.

Erik Seidenfaden NHBSS_008_3o_Seidenfaden_Geographisc

The Hong Kong Naturalist.

A.K. NHBSS_008_3p_AK_TheHongKongNaturalis

Exploring for plants. by David Fairchild.

A.M. NHBSS_008_3q_AM_ExploringForPlants

Florae Siamensis Enumeratio. by E.G. Craib.

A.K. NHBSS_008_3r_AK_FloraeSiamensisEnumerat

Contributions to the Flora of Siam. Additamenta XXIX, XXX and XXXI.

A.K. NHBSS_008_3s_AK_ContributionsToTheFlo

Les Nids d’Hirondelles: Les Salangenes et leurs nids comestibles. by A. Sallet.

A.K. NHBSS_008_3t_AK_LesNidsDHirondelle

Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Siamese Fishes. by Huge M. Smith.

A.K. NHBSS_008_3u_AK_DescriptionsOfNewGene

Les Moustiques de la Cochinchine et du Sud-Annam. by E. Borel.

C.J. House NHBSS_008_3v_House_LesMoustiquesDeLa

Eorrachis, a New Genus of Bulimoid Snails. by J.R. le B. Tomlin and Lieut.

A.K. NHBSS_008_3w_AK_EorrachisANewGenusO

New Malayan Buprestidae. by W.S. Fisher.

A.K. NHBSS_008_3x_AK_NewMalayanBuprestidae

Malaysian Cercopidae in the Raffles and Federated Malay States Museums. by H.M. Pendlebury.

A.K. NHBSS_008_3y_AK_MalaysianCercopidaeIn

Proceedings of the Section
