Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 2, No. 3, 1917

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; THB 300 (Thailand) / US$ 32 (International)
  • Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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Front cover






The Birds of Bangkok.

W.J.F. WilliamsonNHBSS_002_3d_Williamson_TheBirdsOfBangk

On a New Mongoose from Siam.

C. Boden KlossNHBSS_002_3e_Kloss_OnANewMongooseFromS

On Two New Races of Palaeornis eupatria (Linn.).

C. Boden Kloss NHBSS_002_3f_Kloss_OnTwoNewRacesOfPala

Descriptions of New Reptiles and a New Batrachian from Siam.

Malcolm A. SmithNHBSS_002_3g_Smith_DescriptionsOfNewRe

A List of the Batrachians at Present Known to Inhabit Siam.

Malcolm A. SmithNHBSS_002_3h_Smith_AListOfTheBatrachi

Instructions for Preparing Mammal Skins.

C. Boden KlossNHBSS_002_3i_Kloss_InstructionsForPrep

Description of a New Macaque from Siam.

C. Boden KlossNHBSS_002_3j_Kloss_DescriptionOfANewMa

Miscellaneous Notes

Remarks on Bos sondaicus (the Tsine or Banting) and on Bos sondaicus porteri.

K.G. GairdnerNHBSS_002_3k_Gairdner_RemarksOnBosSon

Note on Bay Cat (Felis temmincki).

K.G. GairdnerNHBSS_002_3l_Gairdner_NoteOnBayCatFelis

A New Bandicoot from Siam.

Oldfield ThomasNHBSS_002_3m_Thomas_ANewBandicootFromS

A New Bat from Siam.

Oldfield ThomasNHBSS_002_3n_Thomas_ANewBatFromSiam

On a New Race of Callosciurus atrodorsalis (Gray), from North Siam.

H.C. Robinson & R.C. Wroughton NHBSS_002_3o_Robinson_OnANewRaceOfCall

Occurrence of the Pied Imperial Pigeon (Mypristicivora bicolor) in the Gulf of Siam.

C.H. FortyNHBSS_002_3p_Forty_OccurrenceOfThePied

A Hamadryad’s Nest.

H.W. Joynson NHBSS_002_3q_Joynson_AHamadryadSNest

A Two-headed Snake.

Malcolm Smith NHBSS_002_3r_Smith_ATwoHeadedSnake

A New Frog for Bangkok.

Malcolm SmithNHBSS_002_3s_Smith_ANewFrogForBangkok

Proceedings of the Society
