Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 11.1 1914-15

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; US$32
  • Institutions; US$80
Read articles below
TitleAuthorPDF file
Unofficial Mission of John MorganFrankfurter, O.JSS_011_1b_Frankfurter_UnofficialMissionofJohnMorganToSiam1821
A Hybrid DipterocarpusKerr, A.F.G.JSS_011_1c_Kerr_HybridDipterocarpus
Small Pox, Vaccination and the New Vaccination Law in SiamHighet, H. CampbellJSS_011_1d_Highet_SmallPoxVaccinationAndNewVaccinationLaw
Report, Accounts, MeetingsJSS_011_1e_ReportAccountsMeetings