Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 7, No. 3, 1928

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Front cover




Kaw Tao, Its Physical Features and Vegetations.

A. Kerr NHBSS_007_3c_Kerr_KawTaoItsPhysicalFe

On Birds from the Raheng District, Western Siam.

F.N. Chasen & C. Boden Kloss NHBSS_007_3d_Chasen_OnBirdsFromTheRah

Control of the Coconut Beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) in Bangkok.

W.R.S. Ladell NHBSS_007_3e_Ladell_ControlOfTheCoconu

Note on A Migration of Butterflies at Pak Jong, E. Siam.

E.J. Godfrey NHBSS_007_3f_Godfrey_NoteOnAMigrationO

A New Species of Parasitic Copepod (Caligus) from a Siamese Catfish.

Charles B. Wilson NHBSS_007_3g_Wilson_ANewSpeciesOfPar

Wild Game Preservation in Siam.


Miscellaneous Notes

Two Vipers New to Siam.

Malcolm Smith NHBSS_007_3i_Smith_TwoVipersNewToSia

The Late Mr. Roebelen as a Zoological Collector.

A. Kerr NHBSS_007_3j_Kerr_TheLateMrRoebele

Anguillid Eels in Siamese Waters.

H.M. Smith NHBSS_007_3k_Smith_AnguillidEelsInSiam

Wild Dogs in Siam.

H.M. Smith NHBSS_007_3l_Smith_WildDogsInSiam

Second Occurrence of a Copepod Parasite (Argulus) on Fighting Fish.

H.M. Smith NHBSS_007_3m_Smith_SecondOccurrence


Contributions to the Flora of Siam. Additamentum XXIV.

A.K. NHBSS_007_3n_AK_ContributionsToTheFlor

Some Siamese Begonias.

A.K. NHBSS_007_3o_AK_SomeSiameseBegonias

Some New Siamese Plants.

A.K. NHBSS_007_3p_AK_SomeNewSiamesePlants

New Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Dr. Hugh M. Smith in Siam. by Doris M. Cochran.

H.M.S NHBSS_007_3q_HMS_NewReptilesAndBatra

The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. by Herbert C. Robinson.

H.M. Smith NHBSS_007_3r_Smith_TheBirdsOfTheMalayP


Thomas Harold Lyle.


Proceedings of the Section


Back cover
