Publications ‣ NHBSS
Vol. 2, No. 1, 1916
NHBSS Subscription Rate (per year/volume):-
- Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
- Non-member Individuals; THB 300 (Thailand) / US$ 32 (International)
- Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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Title | Author | PDF file |
Front cover | NHBSS_002_1a_FrontCover | |
Contents | NHBSS_002_1b_Contents | |
On a Collection of Mammals from Siam. | C. Boden Kloss | NHBSS_002_1c_Kloss_OnACollectionOfMamm |
On a New Race of Flying Squirrel from Siam. | C. Boden Kloss | NHBSS_002_1d_Kloss_OnANewRaceOfFlying |
Descriptions of Five Tadpoles from Siam. | Malcolm Smith | NHBSS_002_1e_Smith_DescriptionsOfFiveT |
Descriptions of Three New Lizards and A New Snake from Siam. | Malcolm Smith | NHBSS_002_1f_Smith_DescriptionsOfThre |
A List of the Crocodiles, Tortoises, Turtles and Lizards at Present Known to Inhabit Siam. | Malcolm Smith | NHBSS_002_1g_Smith_AListOfTheCrocodile |
Some Additions to the Siamese Avifauna. | E.G. Herbert | NHBSS_002_1h_Herbert_SomeAdditionsToT |
A List of Birds not Previously Recorded from Siam, with notes. | W.J.F. Williamson | NHBSS_002_1i_Williamson_AListOfBirdsNo |
Miscellaneous Notes | ||
The Porcupine of Tenasserim and Southern Siam. | Oldfield Thomas | NHBSS_002_1j_Thomas_ThePorcupineOfTena |
A New Binturong from Siam. | Oldfield Thomas | NHBSS_002_1k_Thomas_ANewBinturongFrom |
Two New Bush-Larks from Siam. | E.C. Stuart Baker (With note by W.J.F. Williamson.) | NHBSS_002_1l_Baker_TwoNewBushLarksFrom |
The Giant Ibis (Thaumatibis gigantea). | W.J.F. Williamson | NHBSS_002_1m_Williamson_TheGiantIbisT |
Occurrence of the Barred Ground-Dove (Geopelia striata) in Siam. | W.J.F. Williamson | NHBSS_002_1n_Williamson_OccurrenceOfTh |
Mummified Specimen of Malay House -Swift (Cypselus subfurcatus). | C.H. Forty | NHBSS_002_1o_Forty_MummifiedSpecimenOf |
Some New Lepidoptera from Siam. | Lord Rothschild | NHBSS_002_1p_Rothschild_SomeNewLepidop |