Heritage Matters: Prioritising Kanchanaburi conservation
“Instead of spending public funds on building and maintaining a single, costly piece of tourism infrastructure, could the money have been invested in joining with the local people to study and preserve the local stories and the few remaining old buildings that are at risk of disappearing?”
The Siam Society Under Royal Patronage is delighted to share with you today the tenth article from “Heritage Matters”, a monthly series aimed at identifying the challenges and opportunities of cultural heritage conservation published by The Siam Society in the Bangkok Post.
In this month’s article Weeraphan Shinawatra talks about the newly built Skywalk in Kanchanaburi and discusses the issue of how developing new projects can go together with preserving already-existent natural and cultural resources.
The full article can be read here.
Weeraphan Shinawatra is a doctor of Architecture and an expert in conservation management.