Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 23, No. 4 & 5, 1970

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; THB 300 (Thailand) / US$ 32 (International)
  • Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.
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On the Ornithology of the Rhino Sanctuary Udjung Kulon in West Java (Indonesia).

A. Hoogerwerf NHBSS_023_4-5e_Hoogerwerf_OnTheOrnitholog

Mammals of Samui Island, Thailand.

Joe Marshall & Vandee Nongngork NHBSS_023_4-5f_Marshall_MammalsOfSamuiI

Contribution to the Studies in the Flora of Thailand, I. The Synnematous Fungi–with Two New Species.

Bermin F. Weilbacher NHBSS_023_4-5g_Weilbacher_ContributionoT

Notes on Thai Birds 2. A First Contribution to Our Knowledge on the Birds of Thung Salaeng Luang National Park, Phitsanulok Province.

E.C. Dickinson & Somtob Chaiyaphun NHBSS_023_4-5h_Dickinson_NotesOnThaiBirds2A

Report on the Sixth Thai–Danish Expedition 1968.

Gunnar Seidenfaden & Tem Smitinand NHBSS_023_4-5i_Seidenfaden_ReportOnTheSi

Bryophytae indosinicae: Bryophytes from Thai Tenasserim.

P. Tixier NHBSS_023_4-5j_Tixier_BryophytaeIndosinica

The Progress of Thai Botany No. 1.

Bertel Hansen NHBSS_023_4-5k_Hansen_TheProgressOfThaiB

Short Notes

A Third Edible Marine Algae from Thai Waters.

Jinda Thiemmedh NHBSS_023_4-5l_Thiemmedh_AThirdEdibleMa

The Chinese Mitten Crab (Eriocheir sinensis Milne Edwards).

Jinda Thiemmedh NHBSS_023_4-5m_Thiemmedh_TheChineseMitten

A New Pomatocalpa (Orchidaceae) from Laos.

Gunnar Seidenfaden NHBSS_023_4-5n_Seidenfaden_ANewPomatocalp

Finsch’s Bulbul (Criniger finschii Salvadori): A New Bird for Thailand.

Somtob Chaiyaphun NHBSS_023_4-5o_Chaiyaphun_FinschSBulbulC

Bird Notes from Sukhotai – March-April 1970.

D.A. Holmes NHBSS_023_4-5p_Holmes_BirdNotesFromSukhot

Two Cases of Egg Deposition in the Snake Oligodon quadrilineatus.

Paul Soderberg NHBSS_023_4-5q_Soderberg_TwoCasesOfEggDe

The Genus Nicolaia in Thailand.

Kai Larsen NHBSS_023_4-5r_Larsen_TheGenusNicolaiaIn


Euphemia Cowan Barnett.

Elizabeth Barnett NHBSS_023_4-5s_Barnett_EuphemiaCowanBarn

Reviews & Recent Literature

Reviews & Recent Literature: Botany.

T. Smitinand NHBSS_023_4-5t_Smitinand_ReviewsRecentLi

Reviews & Recent Literature: Entomology.

N. Ratanaworabhan NHBSS_023_4-5u_Ratanaworabhan_ReviewsRec

Reviews & Recent Literature: Herpetology.

Paul Soderberg NHBSS_023_4-5v_Soderberg_ReviewsRecentLit

Reviews & Recent Literature: Ornithology.

E.C. Dickinson NHBSS_023_4-5w_Dickinson_ReviewsRecentL

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