Publications ‣ JSS
Volume. 60.2 1972
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- Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
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กิจกรรม | Author | PDF file |
Front | JSS_060_2a_Front | |
Thailand and Viet-Nam: Some Thoughts towards a comparative historical analysis | Smith, R.B. | JSS_060_2b_Smith_ThailandVietnamComparativeHistoricalAnalysis |
Paper Currency: The Government Note Issues in the Reign of King Chulalongkorn | Brown, Ian G. | JSS_060_2c_Brown_PaperCurrencyInReignOfKingChulalongkorn |
Land Tenure Patterns and Agricultural Development in N.E.Thailand : A Case Study of the Lam Pao irrigation area in Changwat Karasin | Demaine, H., and Dixon, G.J. | JSS_060_2d_DemaineDixonLandTenurePatternsAndAgriculturalDevelopmentInNEThailand |
Some manuscripts in Grantha script in Bangkok – II | Marr, J.R. | JSS_060_2e_Marr_ManuscriptsOnGranthaScriptInBangkok |
kan in Modern Standard Thai | Bee, Peter | JSS_060_2f_Bee_kanInModernStandardThai |
The Emergence and Development of the Nirat Genre in Thai poetry | Manas Chitakasem | JSS_060_2g_ManasChitkasem_EmergenceAndDevelopmentOfNiratGenre |
The Manora Dance-Drama: An Introduction | Ginsberg, Henry D. | JSS_060_2h_Ginsburg_ManoraDanceDrama |
Religious Institutional Diversity-Social Structural and Conceptual Unity: Islam and Buddhism in a southern Thai coastal fishing village | Burr, Angela | JSS_060_2i_Burr_ReligiousInstitutionalDiversityInSouthernThaiCoastalFishingVillage |
Matrilineal Descent Groups and Spirit Cults of the Thai-Yuan in northern Thailand | Turton, Andrew | JSS_060_2j_TurtonMatrilinealDescentGroupsAndSpiritCultsOfThaiYuan |
Reviews | JSS_060_2k_Reviews | |
Annual Report | JSS_060_2l_AnnualReport | |
List of Members | JSS_060_2m_ListOfMembers | |
Obituary Elisabeth Cula Chakrabongse | JSS_060_2n_ObituaryElisabethChulaChakrabongse | |
Obituary E.W. Hutchinson | JSS_060_2o_ObituaryEWHutchinson | |
Obituary Reginald LeMay | JSS_060_2p_ObituaryRLeMay | |
Back | JSS_060_2q_Back |