Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 28.2 1935

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An account of the ceremonies and rites performed when catching the pla buk, a species of catfish inhabiting the waters of the river Mekhong on the Northern and Eastern frontier of SiamGiles, F.H.JSS_028_2b_Giles_CeremoniesCatchingPlaBukInMekong
Sacred images in ChiengmaiHutchinson, E.W.JSS_028_2c_Hutchinson_SacredImagesInChiengMai
The statement of Khun Luang Ha WatVivadhanajaya, H.S.H. PrinceJSS_028_2d_PrinceVivadhanajaya_StatementOfKhunLuangHaWat
Vocabulary of Chawng words collected in Krat provinceIsarangura, Nai NoeJSS_028_2e_NaiNoeIsarangura_VocabularyOfChawngWordsInKratProvince
The Blow-pipe in North-Eastern Siam (Notes)Kerr, A.F.G.JSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries
A Keran doggerel (Notes)Deignan, H.G.JSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries
Some loan words in Siamese (Notes)Dhani Nivat, PrinceJSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries
A further note about Khu Mu'ang (Notes)Dhani Nivat, PrinceJSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries
The earliest translation of The Gospel into SiameseHutchinson, E.W.JSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries
A propos des lois Siamoises (Notes)Burnay, J.JSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries
Les trois Bangkok recorders (Notes)Lingat, R.JSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries
Note explaining the origin of the name of the town Paknampoh in the province of Nakorn Sawan(Indra Montri, Phya )JSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries
Who was Dharmaraja I of Sukhothai (Notes)Nakon P'rah Ram, P'ravaJSS_028_2f_NotesAndQueries