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Volume. 97 2009

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The career of Khun Chang Khun PhaenChris Baker and Pasuk PhongpaichitJSS_097_0c_BakerPasuk_CareerOfKhunChangKhunPhaen
Under duress: Lao war captives in Bangkok in the nineteenth centuryEdward Van RoyJSS_097_0d_VanRoy_UnderDuressLaoWarCaptives
Lao weights and the Luang symbolJoachim GabelJSS_097_0e_Gabel_LaoWeightsLuangSymbol
Place and space in early Burma: a new look at 'Pyu culture'Elizabeth MooreJSS_097_0f_Moore_PlaceAndSpaceInEarlyBurma
Phnom-Penh, April 1975: a personal souvenirJean-Noël JuttetJSS_097_0g_Juttet_PhnomhPenh1975PersonalMemoir
[Notes] Observations on Wat Si ChumHiram WoodwardJSS_097_0h_Woodward_WatSiChum
[Notes] Sop-Li, a late fifteenth century bronze workshop in Lan NaCarol StrattonJSS_097_0i_Stratton_SopLiBronzeWorkshopInLanna
Memoirs of PIERRE POIVRE: The Thai Port of Mergui in 1745Edited and Translated by Kennon BreazealeJSS_097_0j_PoivreBreazeale_Mergui
HSH Prince SITHIPORN Kridakara, ‘Memorandum on Opium in Siam’ (1921), introduction by Dr Tej BunnagJSS_097_0k_PrinceSithiporMemorandumonOpium
Peter Skilling, ed., Past Lives of the Buddha : Wat Si Chum – Art, Architecture, and Inscriptions Bangkok, River Books, 2008Reviewed by Hiram WoodwardJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Dawn Rooney, Ancient Sukhothai, Thailand’s cultural heritage Bangkok, River Books, 2008Reviewed by Carol StrattonJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Damrong Rajanubhab, H.R.H. Prince, A Biography of King Naresuan the Great Translated and edited by Kennon Breazeale Bangkok, Toyota Foundation, 2008Reviewed by Michael CharneyJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Leonor De Seabra, The embassy Of Pero Vaz De Siqueira To Siam (1684–1686) Macau, University of Macau, 2005Reviewed by Kennon BreazealeJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Direk Jayanama, ed. Jane Keyes, Thailand and World War II Chiang Mai, Silkworm, 2008Reviewed by Chris BakerJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Anders Poulsen, Childbirth and tradition in northeast Thailand; forty years of cultural development and change Copenhagen, NIAS Press, 2007Reviewed by Lisa VandemarkJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Michael Montesano and Patrick Jory, eds, Thai South and Malay North:Ethnic interactions on a plural peninsula Singapore, NUS Press, 2008Reviewed by Thak ChaloemtiaranaJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Martin Stuart-Fox, Naga Cities of the Mekong: A guide to the temples, legends and history of Laos Singapore, Media Masters, 2006Reviewed by Milton OsborneJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Vatthana Pholsena, Post-War Laos: The Politics of Culture, History and Identity Institute of South-East Asian Studies, Singapore, 2006Reviewed by Mayoury NgaosrivathanaJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Sao Sanda, The Moon Princess, Memories of the Shan States Bangkok, River Books, 2008Reviewed by Susan ConwayJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Penny Edwards, Cambodge, the cultivation of a Nation 1860–1945 Chiang Mai, Silkworm Books, 2008Reviewed by John TullyJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Anne Ruth Hansen, How to behave: Buddhism and modernity in colonial Cambodia 1860–1930 Chiang Mai, Silkworm Books, 2008Reviewed by Ian Harris 257JSS_097_0l_Reviews
Milton Osborne, Phnom Penh, a cultural and literary history Oxford, Signal Books, 2008Reviewed by David ChandlerJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Pratapaditya Pal, ed., Buddhist Art: Form and Meaning Mumbai, Marg Publications, 2007Reviewed by Donald M. StadtnerJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Olga Dror, Cult, Culture, and Authority: Princess Liễu Hạnh in Vietnamese History Chiang Mai, Silkworm BooksReviewed by George DuttonJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Philip Taylor, Cham Muslims of the Mekong Delta: place and mobility in the cosmopolitan pheriphery Copenhagen/Singapore, NIAS/NUS Press, 2007Reviewed by Amnuayvit ThitibordinJSS_097_0l_Reviews
G. L. Balk, F. van Dijk, D. J. Kortlang, F. S. Gaastra, H. E. Niemeijer, and P. Koenders, The Archives of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Local Institutions in Batavia (Jakarta) Leiden, Brill, 2007Reviewed by Bhawan RuangsilpJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Greg Bankoff and Sandra Swart, et al, Breeds of empire: the ‘invention’ of the horse in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa 1500–1950 Copenhagen, NIAS Press, 2007Reviewed by Duncan StearnJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Lee Hock Guan and Leo Suryadinata, eds, Language, Nation and Development in Southeast Asia Singapore, ISEAS, 2007Reviewed by Titima SuthiwanJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Christopher Duncan, ed, Civilizing the margins: Southeast Asian Government policies for the development of minorities Singapore, NUS Press, 2008Reviewed by Nicola TannenbaumJSS_097_0l_Reviews
Howard M. Federspiel, Sultans, Shamans, and Saints: Islam and Muslims in Southeast Asia Chiang Mai, Silkworm, 2008Reviewed by Patrick JoryJSS_097_0l_Reviews
[Obituaries] Mom Kobkaew Abhakara na Ayudhya 1908–2008 M. L. Manich Jumsai 1908–2009 Prok Amranand 1925–2008 Heng Thung 1934–2009 Anthony Farrington 1939–2008 Michael Wright 1940–2009 Roxanna M. Brown 1946–2008JSS_097_0m_Obituaries
In-house note: Khun Euayporn’s semi-retirement 310JSS_097_0n_RetirementKhunEuayporn
New publication: As Mother Told Me HRH Princess Galyani VadhanaJSS_097_0m_Obituaries