Publications ‣ JSS

Volume. 98 2010

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From the First International Symposium on Dvāravatī Research, Bangkok, 2009JSS_098_0b_Front
The French contribution to the rediscovery of Dvāravatī archaeologyLaurent HennequinJSS_098_0c_Hennequin_FrenchContributionToDvaravatiArchaeolog
Fifty years of archaeological research at Dong Mae Nang Muang, an ancient gateway to the Upper Chao Phraya BasinStephen A. Murphy and Pimchanok PongkasetkanJSS_098_0d_MurphyPimchanok_FiftyYearsOfArchaeologicalResearc
Iconographical issues in the archeology of Wat Phra Men, Nakhon PathomNicolas RevireJSS_098_0e_Revire_IssuesInArchaeologyOfWatPhraMen
Nāga-Buddha images of the Dvāravatī period: A possible link between Dvāravatī and AngkorJean-Pierre Gaston-AubertJSS_098_0f_GastonAubert_NagaBuddhaImagesOfDvaravatiPeriod
Safe haven: Mon refugees at the capitals of Siam from the 1500s to the 1800sEdward Van RoyJSS_098_0g_VanRoy_SafeHavenMonRefugeesAtCapitalsOfSiam
Towards a definition of Isan mural painting: Focus on the heartlandBonnie Pacala BreretonJSS_098_0h_Brereton_TowardsaDefinitionOfIsanMuralPainting
[Note] Prominent Mon lineages from late Ayutthaya to early BangkokEdward Van RoyJSS_098_0i_VanRoy_ProminentMonLineages
Bruguière’s journey overland from Penang to Ligor, thence to Bangkok, 1827Kennon Breazeale, Ed. and Michael Smithies, Tr.JSS_098_0j_BreazealeSmithies_BruguieresJourney
The Ambiguous Allure of the West: Traces of the Colonial in Thailand, edited by Rachel V. Harrison and Peter A. JacksonReviewed by Chris BakerJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Proper Islamic Consumption: Shopping among the Malays in Modern Malaysia, by Johan FischerReviewed by Patrick JoryJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Tourism in Southeast Asia: Challenges and New Directions, edited by Michael Hitchcock, Victor T. King and Michael ParnwellReviewed by Steve Van BeekJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Bangkok, a Cultural and Literary History. by Maryvelma O’NeilReviewed by Michael SmithiesJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Jungle Book: Thailand’s Politics, Moral Panic, and Plunder, 1996–2008, by ‘Chang Noi’Reviewed by Craig J. ReynoldsJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Thai Forestry: A Critical History, by Ann Danaiya UsherReviewed by Thomas EntersJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Thaksin, by Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris BakerReviewed by Edward Van RoyJSS_098_0k_Reviews
People of Virtue: Reconfiguring Religion, Power and Moral Order in Cambodia Today, edited by Alexandra Kent and David ChandlerReviewed by John TullyJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Dependent Communities: Aid and Politics in Cambodia and East Timor, by Caroline HughesReviewed by Benny WidyonoJSS_098_0k_Reviews
The Last Century of Lao Royalty: A Documentary History, by Grant EvansReviewed by Martin Stuart-FoxJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Creating Laos: The Making of a Lao Space between Indochina and Siam, 1860–1945, by Søren IvarssonReviewed by Holly HighJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Imagining Communities in Thailand: Ethnographic Approaches, edited by Shigeharu TanabeReviewed by Anthony R. WalkerJSS_098_0k_Reviews
Burmese Buddhist Murals: Vol. 1, Epigraphic Corpus of the Powin Taung Caves, by Christophe Munier and Myint AungReviewed by Donald A. Stadtner
Books received for reviewJSS_098_0k_Reviews
[Obituaries] Thanpuying Lursakdi Sampatisiri, 1919–2010JSS_098_0l_Obituaries
[Obituaries] Yoneo Ishii, 1929–2010Charles F. KeyesJSS_098_0l_Obituaries
[Obituaries] Constance Wilson, 1937–2010John HartmannJSS_098_0l_Obituaries
[Obituaries] Hans Penth, 1937–2009Reinhard HohlerJSS_098_0l_Obituaries