ที่สยามสมาคมฯ เราจัดกิจกรรมการบรรยายเป็นประจำเกือบทุกสัปดาห์ มีวิทยากรจากหลากหลายสาขา เช่น นักเขียน นักวิชาการ ผู้เชี่ยวชาญรวมไปถึงผู้ที่มีความรู้ความสนใจเฉพาะทาง
หัวข้อการบรรยายมีเนื้อหาครอบคลุมในเรื่องราวที่หลากหลาย อาทิเช่น การค้นพบทางโบราณคดีใหม่ๆ หัวข้อทางประวัติศาสตร์ที่น่าสนใจ ผ้าและวัตถุโบราณ ฯลฯ สอดคล้องกับพันธกิจของสยามสมาคมฯในการส่งเสริมความรู้ด้านศิลปะและวิทยาศาสตร์ธรรมชาติของประเทศไทยและประเทศเพื่อนบ้าน การบรรยายประจำสัปดาห์จัดเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ แต่ทางสมาคมยังจัดการบรรยายพิเศษเป็นภาษาไทยในบางโอกาส โดยจัดในช่วงบ่ายของวันเสาร์
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วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
17 December 2020 | Mr Alex Kerr | Finding the Heart Sutra 『般若心経を求めて』 |
12 November 2020 | ML Pattaratorn Chirapravati, PhD | Making Merit by Making Buddhist Tablets: Inscribed Dedicatory Inscriptions on King Aniruddha’s Clay Tablets |
5 November 2020 | Mr Etienne Clément | Are Good Laws Enough to Protect National Treasures? The impact of legislations on cultural objects in the Mekong region |
20 August 2020 | Dr Pira Venunan | Working with what you have got: an archaeometallurgical investigation of laterite iron production remains at Ban Kruat, Buriram Province, Thailand |
6 August 2020 | Mr Tom Fawthrop | Luang Prabang on the Mekong – Heritage Be Dammed (No record) |
30 July 2020 | Dr Rungsima Kullapat | The Phimai Heritage Trust as the Voice of Voiceless People |
23 July 2020 | Mr Paul Carter | Economic Development and Thai State Extension to Defeat Insurgency |
25 June 2020 | Dr Pasuk Phongpaichit and Dr Chris Baker | Kings in Love: Two Classic Thai Poems |
19 March 2020 | Dr Frank J. Hoffman | Buddhism, Whiteness and the Indian Institution of Caste |
7 March 2020 | รศ.ดร. เชษฐ์ ติงสัญชลี | อาคารทรงศิขระวิมานในศิลปะอินเดียและอิทธิพลต่อศิลปะในเอเชียอาคเนย์ (Shikhara and Vimana in Indian art and their influences to Southeast Asian Art) |
5 March 2020 | Mr Philip Jablon | A Pictorial Tour of Thailand’s Movie Theatres |
20 February 2020 | Dr Wasana Wongsurawat | The Crown and the Capitalist |
18 February 2020 | Dr Yongtanit Pimonsathean, Dr Samerchai Poolsuwan, Dr Paritta Chalermpow Koanantakool (Moderator: Dr Chris Baker) | Protecting Asia's Heritage Yesterday and Tomorrow: A Book Launch and Panel Discussion |
13 February 2020 | Dr Kevin Colleary | Perspectives on Education for Democracy in a Global Age |
30 January 2020 | Dr Rasita Sin-ek-iem | Thai Architectural Beliefs and Ideologies through the Royal Chronicles of Ayuttaya |
22 January 2020 | Mr Pedro Palma (Director) | Screening of “Henry of Malacca – A Malay and Magellan” (a special event to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Magellan) |
16 January 2020 | Prof Joyce White | Ban Chiang Metal Age Economy and its 21st Century Implications |
9 January 2020 | Dr Thant Myint-U | The Hidden History of Burma: Race, Capitalism, and the Crisis of Democracy in the 21st Century |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
20 December 2019 | Dr Olivier de Bernon | The Assumption of an Astronomical Platform in Cambodia of the VII–VIII Century |
14 December 2019 | ผศ.ดร. จุฬิศพงศ์ จุฬารัตน์ | เรื่องเล่าจากเจ็ดคาบสมุทร: สยามและโลกเอเชียในบันทึกเปอร์เซียศตวรรษที่ 17 (The Tales from the Seven Seas: Siam and the Asian World in the Seventeenth-Century Persian Description) |
12 December 2019 | Dr Lia Genovese | The Plain of Jars of Laos – World Heritage Monuments in Stone |
21 November 2019 | Mr Hans Kemp | Divine Encounters - Sacred Rituals and Ceremonies in Asia |
16 November 2019 | Mr Sakchai Guy | Antique Court Textile |
14 November 2019 | Mr Rush Pleansuk and Mr Philippe Moisan | From Historical to Contemporary Design by SuMphat Gallery |
7 November 2019 | Mr Imtiaz Muqbil | The Greatest Story in Global Tourism History |
31 October 2019 | Mrs Anita Bose | Ramayana: Footprint in Southeast Asian Culture and Heritage |
22 October 2019 | Mr Peter Welz | Retranslation | Final Unfinished Portrait |
17 October 2019 | Dr Alexander J. Klemm | Nation and Representation: Western Filmmaking in Siam from 1908 to 1938 |
10 October 2019 | Mr Kong Rithdee | Do Translators Dream of Electric Thesaurus? |
24 September 2019 | Prof Dr Maria de Fátima Reis and Captain (Navy) José María Blanco | 500th Anniversary of the Circumnavigation of the World by Magellan and Elcano: The Impossible Adventure |
21 September 2019 | Her Excellency Mary Jo A. Bernado-Aragon and Dr Piemsak Hongjamrassilp | The 70th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the Philippines and Thailand |
19 September 2019 | Mr Paul Bromberg | Thai Silver and Nielloware |
14 September 2019 | พระมหาราชครูพิธีศรีวิสุทธิคุณ (ชวิน รังสิพราหมณกุล) | พระราชพิธีสิบสองเดือนที่เกี่ยวข้องกับพราหมณ์ (The Royal Ceremonies of the Twelve Months in relation to Brahmins) |
5 September 2019 | Ms Dafna Nevo | Tangled in Time A Journey Through Papua New Guinea |
29 August 2019 | Dr Jacques P. Leider | Mrauk U and the Kingdom of Arakan (Rakhine) |
15 August 2019 | HE Mr Evgeny Tomikhin | Russia in Asia: Historical Milestones and Modern Partnership |
8 August 2019 | Mr Visanu Euarchukiati | An Immersive Tour of Egypt, from Aswan to Alexandria |
1 August 2019 | Mr Kirill Kuznetsov | The Russian Geographical Society, Its Eminent Researchers and Current Projects |
18 July 2019 | Prof Dr Piriya Krairiksh | Ramayana in Myanmar |
13 July 2019 | Prince Adnan Aurangzeb and Prof Dr Ashraf Khan | Glorious Gandhara – A Cradle of Buddhist Civilisation |
9 July 2019 | Mr Garrett Kam | Keris Crossing Cultures: Indonesian Daggers in Southeast Asia |
4 July 2019 | Mr Bangkok Chowkwanyun | The Science at the Heart of Buddhism |
29 June 2019 | Dr Pariwat Thammapreechakorn, Mrs Pimpraphai Bisalputra, Dr Thanyakarn Wong-on, and Dr Dawn Rooney | A CERAMICS WORKSHOP |
27 June 2019 | Dr Pasuk Phongpaichit and Dr Chris Baker | A History of Love: Three Thai Literary Classics and their Human Messages Today … and Fifty Jātaka |
20 June 2019 | Mr Etienne Clément | Has the Time Come to Return Some Works of Art to Their Countries of Origin? |
29 May 2019 | Mr George van Driem | The History of Tea and Thailand’s Place in Tea History |
16 May 2019 | Mr Dominic Faulder | Anand Panyarachun and the Making of Modern Thailand |
11 May 2019 | Dr Bunchar Pongpanich | Ancient Maritime Beads of Southern Thailand |
2 May 2019 | Dr Bruce G. Weniger | History of the Early HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Thailand and Highlights of the Country’s Key Contributions to Global Prevention |
30 April 2019 | Mr Shaiful Shahidan and Professor Dr A. Ghafar Ahmad | Kuala Lumpur: Past and Present |
25 April 2019 | Mr Patrick Kersalé | The Angkorian Music and Musical Instruments (from the 7th to the 13th century) |
21 March 2019 | Dr Frank J. Hoffman | Environment, Non-Attachment, and Enlightenment "text copyright by Vietnam National University" |
14 March 2019 | Mr Eggarat Wongcharit | Unbound Craft |
7 March 2019 | Mr Manit Sriwanichpoom | Rediscovering Thai Masters of Photography (during 1950–1970) |
28 February 2019 | Ms Jarupatcha Achavasmit | Textiles: Tradition and Technology |
14 February 2019 | Prof Stephen Martin | A Creative Karma? The Fall of Ayutthaya and Mozart’s Flute Music |
7 February 2019 | Dr Nicolas Revire | “The Birth of the Buddha”: From Angkor to Bangkok |
29 January 2019 | Dr Lilian Handlin | Mahosadha’s Cunning and the Cretan Labyrinth |
16 January 2019 | Mrs Patricia Bjaaland Welch | Pig Tales |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
13 December 2018 | Mr Chulathat Kitibutr | Lanna Style in My Vision |
29 November 2018 | Dr Yongtanit Pimonsathean | Chinatown Bangkok: The Two Decades of Conservation Efforts |
17 พฤศจิกายน 2561 | คุณไข่ สมชาย แก้วทอง | วิถีแฟชั่นของไข่ (บูติก) |
15 November 2018 | Mr Steve Van Beek | News from the 90s: Bangkok 1890–1899 |
8 November 2018 | Mr Paul T. Carter | Examination of Ancient Khmer Defensive Warfare Practices |
1 November 2018 | Dr Jacques de Guerny | Bronze Drums of Southeast Asia |
25 October 2018 | Mr Eric Lim | Bangkok's Hidden Treasure – the Other Side of Bangkok |
11 October 2018 | Mr Sulak Sivaraksa | 130 Years of Phraya Anuman Rajadhon and Phra Saraprasoet |
4 October 2018 | Mrs Anita Bose | Patachitra of Odisha and Jagannath Culture |
20 September 2018 | Prof Dr Ashley Thompson | Roads Taken and Not Taken in the Work of Michael Vickery (1931–2017) |
6 September 2018 | Dr Sandro Calvani | "Nudging" the Hill Tribes of the Golden Triangle towards Sustainable Livelihoods, Away from Illicit Crops |
30 August 2018 | Dr Miguel Castelo-Branco | The Protuket: the Thai-Portuguese Catholic Community, from Ayutthaya to Bangkok |
23 August 2018 | Ms Jasmine Chia | Redeeming the 'Human' in Human Rights for Thai Farmers in Israel |
18 August 2018 | Ms Eileen Deeley | Unveiling the Secrets of the Mogao Caves |
16 August 2018 | Dr Noel Hidalgo Tan | The Invisible Paintings of Angkor Wat |
2 August 2018 | Mr Kisnaphol Wattanawanyoo | Bangkok's Mobile Street Vending: Beyond Food and Beyond Quaint Practices |
26 July 2018 | Prof Tongthong Chandransu | From Ayutthaya to Bangkok: Continuation amid Drastic Change |
12 July 2018 | Mr John Silva | Boxer Codex: A Plan to Invade Siam |
7 กรกฎาคม 2561 | คุณปเรตร์ อรรถวิภัชน์, คุณพิมพ์ประไพ พิศาลบุตร และ คุณสมชัย กวางทองพานิช | “ลูกจีน หลานมอญ สมัยกรุงธนบุรี” |
28 June 2018 | Mr Duangrit Bunnag | Bangkok Manifesto |
14 June 2018 | Assoc Prof Rasmi Shoocongdej | Mystery of the Prehistoric Log Coffin Culture in Highland Pang Mapha, Mae Hong Son Province |
7 June 2018 | Prof Paolo Piazzardi | Italians at the Court of Siam: Celebrating 150 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and Italy |
31 May 2018 | HE Mr Francisco Vaz Patto | Uma Amizade Duradoura: Over 500 Years of Enduring Friendship |
24 May 2018 | Mr Christopher Rompre | Screening of “The Man Who Built Cambodia” (NO RECORD) |
23 May 2018 | Dr Kannika Suteerattanapirom and Dr Pornthum Thumwimol | Bangkok: Past and Present |
26 April 2018 | Ms Twitee Vajrabhaya | 'The Architecture of Possibilities' |
19 April 2018 | Dr Jaturong Pokharatsiri | Gentrification in Bangkok: Transforming Rundown Areas into ‘Hip’ Neighbourhoods |
5 April 2018 | Mr Etienne Clément | A Challenge for the Present and the Future: Preserving the Underwater Cultural Heritage |
22 March 2018 | Ms Malina Palasthira | Design for a Small Planet |
16 March 2018 | Mr Mathar Bunnag | Gratitude to My Past |
13 March 2018 | Mr Trevor L. Merrion and Mr William Bradford Smith | Great and Good Friends: 200 Years of U.S.-Thai Relations |
8 March 2018 | Mr Geoffrey Longfellow | The Thailand Sustainable Development Foundation |
27 February 2018 | Ms Jane Puranananda | The Siamese Ambassador and the Sun King relations between Ayutthaya and the Court of Louis XIV |
22 February 2018 | Ms Victoria Vorreiter | Hmong Songs of Memory Traditional Secular and Sacred Hmong Music (NO RECORD) |
15 February 2018 | Ms Michele Zack | The Lisu: Far from the Ruler |
1 February 2018 | Dr Kanit Muntarbhorn | Evidence-Based Gastronomy and Thai Food Dish History |
25 January 2018 | Dr Jessica Vechbanyongratana | A Brief Economic History of Land Rights in Thailand: From the Sukhothai Period to the End of King Chulalongkorn’s Reign |
18 January 2018 | Mrs Patricia Bjaaland Welch | Year of the Dog |
11 January 2018 | Dr Surat Lertlum | Common Heritage through Ancient Communication Networks in Mainland Southeast Asia |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
14 December 2017 | Mr Thweep Rittinaphakorn | Highlights of Burmese Decorative Arts |
7 December 2017 | Prof Sumet Jumsai | Contemporary Architecture in Thailand |
21 November 2017 | Mr Garrett Kam | Fiery Farewell: Cremation Rituals in Bali |
16 November 2017 | Dr Frederick B. Goss | Literature in Gold: The Rama Story as Depicted on Thai Lacquerware Cabinets |
9 November 2017 | Dr Thanik Lertcharnrit | Recent Archaeological Investigations in the Iron Age of Central Thailand |
18 October 2017 | Mr James Stent, Dr Sarasin Viraphol, and Mr Joe Horn-Phathanothai moderated by Dr Chris Baker | China's Banking Transformation: The Untold Story |
21 September 2017 | Mr Paul Carter | Thai Forward Air Guides in Laos during the Second Indochina War |
7 September 2017 | Dr Nicolas Revire | What’s in a Name? The Status of Dvāravatī Today |
31 August 2017 | Dr Trongjai Hutangkura | A New Interpretation on the Eastern Limit of Ptolemy’s World Map and Its Influence on European Worldview in the Evolution of Southeast Asian Mapping |
24 August 2017 | Dr Anna Bennett | A Mauryan–Śunga Period Ringstone: 3rd-1st Century BCE, Found in Peninsular Thailand |
10 August 2017 | Dr Wannasarn Noonsuk | Ancient Peninsular Siam and Its Neighborhood |
3 August 2017 | Prof Georges Dreyfus | The Dalai Lama and the Institution of the Reincarnated Lama in Tibetan Buddhism |
27 July 2017 | Dr Charnvit Kasetsiri | Remembering Benedict Anderson: His Life and Impact on Thai and Southeast Asian Studies |
28 June 2017 | Dr Chris Baker and Dr Pasuk Phongpaichit | A History of Ayutthaya |
8 June 2017 | Dr Danny Marks | The Multiple Causes of the 2011 Bangkok Floods |
27 พฤษภาคม 2560 | รศ. บุญรักษา สุนทรธรรม และ คุณวิษณุ เอื้อชูเกียรติ | บันทึกสุริยุปราคาแหลมเจ้าลาย พ.ศ. 2418 ค้นพบใหม่จากลอนดอน |
25 May 2017 | Dr Lia Genovese | André Malraux: The Looter of Banteay Srei Who Rose to High Political Office |
23 May 2017 | Ms Annissa M. Gultom and Mr Bambang Eryudhawan | Jakarta: Past and Present |
16 May 2017 | Mr Imtiaz Muqbil | ASEAN Travel & Tourism: The Next 50 Years |
9 May 2017 | Dr Claus K. Meyer | Comparative Perspectives on Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Siam |
20 April 2017 | Mr Visanu Euarchukiati | Records of Arthur Schuster’s Eclipse Observation Expedition from UK to Siam in 1875 |
28 March 2017 | Mr John Ang | Reconnecting the Disconnected Through Textiles |
23 March 2017 | Assoc Prof Chedha Tingsanchali | Stylistic Variations of Indian Temple Architecture in Southeast Asian Art |
9 March 2017 | Dr Noel Hidalgo Tan | Rock Art: The Unseen Art of Southeast Asia |
7 March 2017 | Prof Michael Herzfeld | Whose Heritage? The Vanishing Vernacular in Bangkok |
2 March 2017 | Dr Ian G. Baird | Chao Sone Bouttharobol: A Man with Strong Connections to the Champassak Royal House and a History Spanning Parts of Laos, Thailand and Cambodia |
16 February 2017 | Dr Rattana Lao | Time-Space Compression: Globalisation and Thai Higher Education |
9 February 2017 | Dr Chawarote Valyamedhi | THE RITUAL ASPECT OF THAI DANCE CULTURE |
2 February 2017 | Dr Navamintr Vitayakul | Preserving Samsara II: Photographic Memories from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan |
26 January 2017 | Prof Tongthong Chandransu | Royal Funeral and Royal Cremation in Thailand |
19 January 2017 | Prof Donald Quicke | Mimicry – How Animals and Plants Deceive One Another |
12 January 2017 | Mrs Patricia Bjaaland Welch | The Symbolism of the Rooster in Chinese Culture |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
15 December 2016 | Mr Colin Robert Mackay | A History of Phuket and the Region – A local and international perspective on the history of Phuket and its surrounding region |
17 November 2016 | Sombat Sayam : The Siam Society collection (Exhibition and Book Launch) | |
13 October 2016 | Ms Melissa Leventon | Fit For A Queen: Her Majesty Queen Sirikit’s Creations by Balmain |
6 October 2016 | Mr Etienne Clément | Looting, Pillage and International Legislation – When the destruction of cultural heritage is much more than material damage |
29 September 2016 | Ms Phacharaphorn Phanomvan | The Role of Heritage Industries in Social and Economic Development |
22 September 2016 | Dr Anurag Viswanath | Finding India in China: Travels to the Lesser Known |
15 September 2016 | Dr Llewellyn “Lew” Toulmin | The Exotic Life, Mysterious Disappearance, and Massive Search for Jim Thompson, the “Silk King of Thailand” |
8 September 2016 | Prof Lynn Meskell | UNESCO World Heritage: A New Global Order of Things |
25 August 2016 | Mr Lupt Utama | The Medals within the Medal: An Unexpected Journey from France to Siam, the Medal Commemorating King Chulalongkorn of Siam’s First Visit to Europe in 1897 |
4 August 2016 | Mr Tarun Chopra | Temples of India – Abode of the Divine |
21 July 2016 | Dr Paul Michael Taylor | The Thai Collections of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington (NO RECORD) |
23 June 2016 | Mr Noh Anothai | When Poet Translates Poet: A Reading from Sunthorn Phu's Nirat Phra Baht in English Verse Translation |
16 June 2016 | Mr Teddy Spha Palasthira | The Siamese Trail of Ho Chi Minh |
11 มิถุนายน 2559 | คุณทวีป ฤทธินภากร | เครื่องแต่งกายสตรีไทใต้คง ผลพวงการผสานวัฒนธรรมไท-จีน |
31 March 2016 | Mr Etienne Clement, Ms Patrizia Zolese, Ms Mara Landoni, and Dr Pornthum Thumwimol | Monument conservation in Asia, Festschrift Seminar honouring Pierre Pichard |
24 March 2016 | Ms Saranya Saratham and Mr Visanu Euarchukiati | Charpentier and Kosa Pan: The Famous French Baroque Composer Met King Narai’s Ambassador |
18 March 2016 | Dr Brenda Chan | The Circulation of Thai Television Dramas in China |
17 March 2016 | Dr Chris Baker | Siam’s First Poem: The Mysteries of a 15th Century Military Epic (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
25 February 2016 | Dr Prapod Assavavirulhakarn | Working Princess HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn’s Dedicated Life and Works (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
4 February 2016 | Dr Damian Evans | Using Airborne Laser Scanning to Uncover, Map and Analyse Ancient Landscapes in Cambodia & Beyond |
28 January 2016 | Prof Barend Terwiel | An Early 18th Century Siamese Illustrated Scroll: A Treasure Recently Discovered in Germany |
7 January 2016 | Thanpuying Tasniya Punyagupta | The Formative Years of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn at Chitralada School (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
17 December 2015 | Dr Brooke Schedneck | Thailand’s International Meditation Centers |
19 November 2015 | Dr Navamintr Vitayakul | Preserving Samsara: Photographic Memories from Syria and Nepal |
12 November 2015 | Ms Judy Jensen | Sacred Glass: The Wat Chong Klang Project |
5 November 2015 | Dr Susan Conway | Tai Magic: Arts of the Supernatural |
3 November 2015 | Mr John Guy | A Tale of Two Textiles: Design and Exchange in 18th Century World Trade (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
22 October 2015 | Assist Prof Dr Podjanok Kanjanajuntorn | Land Use, Water Management and Religious Beliefs in the Urban Landscape of Post-Dvaravati, West-Central Thailand (ca. 11th-14th Centuries AD) |
15 October 2015 | Dr Christophe Pottier | Ayutthaya at Angkor: an archeological perspective (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
8 October 2015 | Mr Richard Borsuk and Ms Nancy Chng | The Rise, Fall and Resurrection of a Giant Southeast Asian Conglomerate (No record) |
24 September 2015 | Dr Weerachai Nanakorn | Status of the Thai Native Orchids (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
3 September 2015 | Mr Jeffery Sng and Mrs Pimpraphai Bisalputra | In Search of the Sino Siamese |
27 August 2015 | Dr Dhiravat na Pombejra | Life, work and gossip in the Dutch settlement: Isaack Moerdijck’s dagregister of 1644 (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
18 August 2015 | Mr Philip Jablon | The Life, Death and Rebirth of the Stand-Alone Movie Theater in Thailand and ASEAN |
11 August 2015 | Phon Kaseka and Sisowath Men Chandevy | Phnom Penh: Past and Present |
6 August 2015 | Dr Virginia Henderson and Mr Tim Webster | Yangon Echoes Inside heritage home |
4 August 2015 | Mr John Burgess | Temple in the Clouds: Ancient Faith, Modern Conflict at the Great Cliff-top Shrine Preah Vihear |
28 July 2015 | Dr ML Pattaratorn Chirapravati | Fifty-two Bhikkhuni Images: Thepthidaram temple for Rama III’s Daughter (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
16 July 2015 | Dr Lia Genovese | The Plain of Jars of Laos: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly |
9 July 2015 | Dr Bhawan Ruangsilp | Narai’s Daughter: Women and Ayutthaya’s Court Intrigues |
20 มิถุนายน 2558 | อาจารย์เทิม มีเต็ม | รัตนมณี มหาจักรี ศรีสยาม: สมเด็จพระเทพรัตนราชสุดาฯ สยามบรมราชกุมารี กับเอกสารโบราณ (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
4 June 2015 | Mr Terence Tan | Ancient Jewellery of Myanmar from Prehistory to Pyu Period |
21 May 2015 | Dr Peter Skilling | Cosmology at the Crossroads: the Harvard Traibhumi Manuscript (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
14 May 2015 | Dr Jeffrey A. McNeely | Dr. Boonsong Lekagul: The Father of Thai Conservation |
7 May 2015 | Ms Anak Agung Lindawati Kencana | ‘WayangPurwa’ Transformations under Islam Influence: Religio-Cultural Acculturation |
29 April 2015 | Assistant Professor Dr Piriya Krairiksh | Wat Mahathat, Sukhothai, Revisited (The Renaissance Princess Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series) |
25 April 2015 | Asst Prof Dr Sitthichai Smanchat | ‘Shamu-Sarasa’ (Siamese Chintz) in Japanese Tradition |
26 March 2015 | Mr Teddy Spha Palasthira | The Last Siamese: Journeys in War and Peace |
19 March 2015 | Ms Melissa Leventon | Khaki in Fashion |
17 March 2015 | Professor Benedict R. O’G. Anderson | Where have the Thai-Chinese Speech-groups gone? |
26 February 2015 | Acharn Sulak Sivaraksa | Puey Ungpakorn: An Honest Siamese in a Class of His Own |
21 กุมภาพันธ์ 2558 | อาจารย์เทิม มีเต็ม | วิถีชีวิตชาวคลองบางกอกน้อย ระหว่าง พ.ศ. 2477-2485 |
19 February 2015 | Dr Christophe Pottier | Hide and seek in jungle: recent developments in the vision of Angkor |
14 กุมภาพันธ์ 2558 | คุณไพศาลย์ เปี่ยมเมตตาวัฒน์ | สยาม ผ่านมุมกล้อง จอห์น ทอมสัน |
12 February 2015 | Mrs Ruth Gerson | Traditional Festivals in Thailand |
29 January 2015 | Dr Chris Baker | “...the King goes in to sleep with the spirit...” Rites, beliefs and kings in early Ayutthaya |
22 January 2015 | Dr Ku Cheng Mei | Dvāravatī’s Mahāyāna Buddhist Conception of Royalty |
15 January 2015 | Mr Philip Bowring | John Bowring: the Man Behind the Treaty |
8 January 2015 | Dr Joyce White | Archaeology of the Middle Mekong Basin: Will knowledge survive development and looting? |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
18 December 2014 | Dr Bunchar Pongpanich | Beyond Beads: The Adornment Industry and Trading Hub along the Ancient Maritime Silk Route of the SEA peninsula |
30 October 2014 | Acharn Sulak Sivaraksa | Centenary of Chamkad Balangura: A Siamese Hero in the Free Thai Movement of World War II |
14 October 2014 | Ambassador Jocelyn Batoon-Garcia | Philippine Textiles and Costumes |
9 October 2014 | Mr Thweep Rittinaphakorn (AKE) | In Search of Identity: The Transformation of Shan Official Costume from the Late 19th – Mid-20th Centuries |
2 October 2014 | Dr Brigitte Borell | The Isthmus of Kra: Crossroads for Maritime Routes |
25 September 2014 | Ms Pinaree Sanpitak | Contemporary Thai Art: Bodies, Breasts, Stupas, Clouds, Flying Cubes and Hammocks |
18 September 2014 | Mr Xavier Comas | The House of the Raja: a culture in limbo |
20 August 2014 | Ms Sandra Niessen | Rangsa ni Tonun: The sacred Batak weaving tradition from ancient shamanic text to contemporary film |
15 August 2014 | Mr John Guy | Lost Kingdoms of Early Southeast Asia: Defining the Artistic Landscape of Early Southeast Asia |
7 August 2014 | Dr Peter Borschberg | Admiral Cornelis Matelieff in Asia, 1605-1608: the Siamese Connection |
25 July 2014 | Dr Susan Fulop Kepner | A Civilized Woman: M.L. Boonlua Debyasuvarn and the Thai Twentieth Century |
17 July 2014 | Dr James A. Warren | Colonialism Distilled: The Société française des distilleries de l’Indochine and the Siamese Government in the Early Twentieth Century |
17 June 2014 | Associate Professor Chatri Prakitnonthakan | Symbolism and Meanings of Wat Arun |
29 May 2014 | Ms Phalika Ngin | The Secrets of a Royal Triad of King Jayavarman VII DECODED in Angkor |
22 May 2014 | Dr Bhinyo Panijpan | The Siamese Fighting Fish (Pla Kat) |
14 May 2014 | Mr Francis Benteux | LAOS Through the Eyes of the Extraordinary Marc Leguay |
22 April 2014 | Dr Amaury Lorin | Paul Doumer & French Indochina 1897-1902 |
6 March 2014 | Dr Wasana Wongsurawat | Unsung Heroes: China and The Free Thai Movement |
20 February 2014 | Professor Benedict R. O’G. Anderson | The Promise of Sick Oysters: Sangkhomsat Parithat’s Critical Thinking in Poisoned Times |
30 January 2014 | Dr Olivier Evrard and Dr Prasit Leepreecha | On the Beaten Track: A half century of photography among highlanders of Northern Thailand |
25 January 2014 | Prof Barend Jan Terwiel | The Case of the Missing Manuscript How the Thais lost a National Treasure |
9 January 2014 | Mr Ralph Isaacs | SAZIGYO: A Printed Book About Woven Texts |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
20 November 2013 | Dr Jay A. Waronker | The Synagogues of India: Their Architecture, History, Context, and Meaning |
19 November 2013 | Asso Prof Peter Borschberg | Jacques de Coutre on Southeast Asia: Insights from the 16th and 17th Centuries |
14 November 2013 | Mr Thweep Rittinaphakorn (AKE) | Textiles Appreciation: An Introduction to the Textile Collection of The Siam Society |
31 October 2013 | Dr Michael Montesano | The ‘Small World’ of the Village in Two Thai Novels of the Cold War (NO RECORD) |
10 October 2013 | Acharn Sulak Sivaraksa | The Uniqueness of H.R.H. Prince Naris on the 150th Anniversary of His Birth |
8 October 2013 | Professor William Chapman | A Heritage of Ruins: The Ancient Sites of Southeast Asia and Their Conservation |
3 October 2013 | Mr. Jakkai Siributr | 'Karma Cash & Carry' |
26 September 2013 | Somsanith Nithakhong | Royal Embroidery of the Luang Prabang Court |
24 September 2013 | Ms Gridthiya Gaweewong | Detecting “small narratives” in Thai contemporary art that reflect wider global issues |
17 September 2013 | Tatsuki Kataoka (Ph.D) | Religious activities of philanthropic foundations of Thailand: A preliminary research report on Ngi Tek Tung foundation |
29 August 2013 | Ms Dale Carolyn Gluckman | From Court to Courtyard: Women’s Dress in 19th Century China |
15 August 2013 | Mr Nicolas Revire | Facts and Fiction: The Myth of Suvannabhūmi in Mainland Southeast Asia |
1 August 2013 | Mr Nic Dunlop | From Cambodia to Burma: A Photographic Journey |
18 July 2013 | Ms Linina Phuttitarn | Reviving Salak Yom in Lamphun |
16 July 2013 | Dr Thongchai Winichakul | Buddhist-Christian Controversies and Comparative Religion in Siam, the 1850s-1980s |
20 June 2013 | Dr Chris Baker | The Ayutthaya Palace as a window on Siamese kingship |
18 June 2013 | Ven Amaro Bhikkhu | A Healthy Ego or Not Self – Eastern & Western Understandings of the Mystery of Self |
13 June 2013 | Acharn Panya Vijinthanasarn | Panya Vijinthanasarn and Thai Art |
23 May 2013 | Mr Bertrand Porte | Conservation at the workshop of the National Museum of Phnom Penh (Cambodia) |
16 May 2013 | Prof Takashi Suzuki | Srivijaya |
9 May 2013 | Ms Phacharaphorn Phanomvan Na Ayudhya | Suvarnabhumī in Ancient International Trade |
25 April 2013 | Ms Renuka Narayanan | A Modern Hindu's View of Buddhism |
18 April 2013 | MR Chakrarot Chitrabongs | To Commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of H.R.H. Prince Narisaranuvattiwongse |
17 April 2013 | Mr Gerard Korsten, Mr Leo Phillips and Prof Dr Chetana Nagavajara | Behind the Beat: The role of the conductor in classical music |
4 April 2013 | Mr Vichit Chinalai and Mr Micky Heart | "Hunting for the Lost treasure in one month at Linzingong Cemetery, Amarapura, Mandalay" |
28 March 2013 | Prof Dr Apinan Poshyananda | Contemporary Thai Art: From Traces of Siamese Smile to Thai Transience |
26 March 2013 | Dr Piriya Krairiksh | Protecting Siam’s heritage |
14 March 2013 | Dr Dhiravat na Pombejra | Trade and diplomacy across the Bay of Bengal: Siamese elephants as gifts and merchandise in the seventeenth century |
7 March 2013 | Dr Pierre Pichard | Pagan Revisited |
28 February 2013 | Dr Jingjai Hanchanlash | Decade of Mekong Basin |
7 February 2013 | Dr Bart Gruzalski | Living Morally in a Breaking World: the Essence of the Ethics of the Buddha and of Socrates |
24 January 2013 | Mr John Sterling Forssen Smith | The Chiang Tung Wars in 19th Century Tai History |
17 January 2013 | Mr Joe Cummings | Thailand’s sacred tattoo tradition |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
22 December 2012 | MR Romaniyachat Kaekiriya and MR Damrongdej Diskul | Let pictures tell the story |
20 December 2012 | Acharn Sulak Sivaraksa | 150 Anniversary of Prince Damrong Rajanubhab: a Unique personality in Thai History |
29 November 2012 | Mr Christophe Pottier | Reviewing Angkor: starting with the beginnings |
20 November 2012 | Ms Maura Rinaldi | KRAAK PORCELAIN: An Item of Trade |
15 November 2012 | Dr Chris Baker and Dr Pasuk Phongpaichit | Gender and sexuality in old Siam: Women and men in Khun Chang Khun Phaen |
8 November 2012 | Prof Dr Hans Leisen | Ayutthaya – Borobudor - Angkor: Three World Heritage Sites with different challenges for conservation |
18 October 2012 | Dr Sanjay Dhar | Himalayan Buddhist Wall Paintings: Preservation Challenge and Issues |
11 October 2012 | Mr Ronachai Krisadaolarn (Ronald Jay Cristal) | Siamese Coins |
13 September 2012 | Dr Woraphat Arthayukti and Dr Edward Van Roy | Mission to Myanmar: Saving the Funerary Monument of King Uthumphon |
6 September 2012 | Prapod Assavarirulhakarn, Peter Skilling, Claudio Cicuzza, and Arthid Sheravanichkul | How Theravada is Theravada? New perspectives on an ancient tradition |
23 August 2012 | Mrs Patricia Bjaaland Welch | Chasing the Wild Goose |
9 August 2012 | Dr Julispong Chularatana | The Influence of Indo-Persian Culture in late Ayutthaya Art and Architecture |
24 July 2012 | Dr Chedha Tingsanchali | Introduction to Cham Architecture |
19 July 2012 | Asst Prof Dr Adis Idris Raksamani | Mosques in Bangkok: the Reflection of Muslim Identity |
12 July 2012 | Dr Warren Y. Brockelman | Tracking gibbons in Asia: Will they survive? |
14 June 2012 | - | The Philippines and Thailand in the History of Music in Asia |
24 May 2012 | MR Chakrarot Chitrabongs | The Royal Cremation Ceremony |
3 May 2012 | Dr Piriya Krairiksh | Thailand’s Buddhist Cultural Heritage: The Preservation Challenge |
29 March 2012 | Professor Erich A. Berendt | Learning, Cognitive Metaphors and Cross-cultural Implications: The Cases of Thai & Finnish Cultures |
14 March 2012 | HE Mr Seiji Kojima | The March 11 Earthquake / Tsunami and Japan’s Soft Power |
13 March 2012 | Professor Kenneth R. Hall | Revisionist Study of Cross-Cultural Commercial Competition on the Indian Ocean Coastlines c. 1000-1500, and its Wider Implications |
25 February 2012 | Dr Jongrak Kittiworakarn and Mr John J. Toomey | Chinese Tea Ceremony for the Year of the Dragon |
23 February 2012 | Mrs Danielle Wiedmann | The Power of the Healing Stones |
16 February 2012 | Dr Yongtanit Pimonsathean | Conservation of Old Town Phuket |
26 January 2012 | HE Dr Jorge Torres-Pereira | “The Portuguese and Siam and its South East Asia Context – Revisited” |
19 January 2012 | Dr Stephen Turnbull | Behind the Mask: The World of the Samurai |
11 January 2012 | Ms Lia Genovese | Madeleine Colani: pioneer at the Plain of Jars of Laos |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
1 December 2011 | Ms Maura Rinaldi | 16th Century Florentine Merchants in Portuguese Asia |
15 November 2011 | Mr Mathias Jenny and Mr Patrick McCormick | Thai and Mon Literature: The Forgotten Role of the Mons of Siam |
18 October 2011 | Dr Thant Myint-U | Where China Meets India: Burma and the New Crossroads of Asia |
20 September 2011 | Dr Chris Baker | Old Ayutthaya as a city |
16 August 2011 | Venerable Ani Zamba | How to realize one’s own human potential: a Buddhist perspective |
4 August 2011 | Mr Chantharid Virochsiri | Efforts toward Lopburi Old Town Planning |
19 July 2011 | Mr Hikotaro Yazaki and Prof Chetana Nagavajara | PANEL DISCUSSION : What does a conductor do? |
16 June 2011 | Dr Hema Goonatilake | Sri Lanka-Thai Past Relations in Religion and Culture |
24 May 2011 | Dr Worrasit Tantinipankul | Siamese Heritage Protection: Krung Rattanakosin |
12 May 2011 | Dr Panitee Suksomboon | Thai Migrant Women in the Netherlands: Cross-Cultural Marriages and Families |
29 April 2011 | Professors John Miksic and Professor Johannes Widodo | Capitals’ Archaeology: Urban Origins and Conservation in Singapore |
26 April 2011 | Professor Douglas Sanders | PHALLIC AMULETS IN THAILAND from protection and good business to an exuberant folk art |
24 March 2011 | Ms Sanny Boonsinsukh | Qi Gong: a gentle breathing exercise which enhances mental and physical health with meditation |
10 March 2011 | Mr Jumbhot Chuasai | Camino, Pilgrimage Walk to Santiago de Compostela |
3 March 2011 | Mr John J. Toomey | An Art for Court and Cloister: The Relation of Thai Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Lacquer to That of Other Asian Cultures |
26 February 2011 | Ms Beatrix Latham | South East Asia Silvers |
22 February 2011 | HE Dr Jorge Torres-Pereira, Professor António Vasconcelos de Saldanha and Miguel Castelo Branco | The Portuguese-Siamese Treaty of 1820: Siam's first attempt of integration into the international community |
16 February 2011 | Dr Thaw Kaung | The End of Ayutthaya A Contemporary Myanmar Poetic Record on the Final War |
10 February 2011 | Ringu Tulku Rinpoche | The three Yanas of Buddhism: What they are, why they are different and why they are the same |
27 January 2011 | Dr Sumet Jumsai | Cultural Crusade part III (final): Rattanakosin and beyond |
20 January 2011 | Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche | Enlightened Buddhist Teachings of the Great Indian Masters |
11 January 2011 | Professor Alain Forest | Is there anything new to say about Phaulkon? |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
6 December 2010 | Venerable Ajahn Brahm | Thai Society and the Teachings of the Buddha |
25 November 2010 | Henri Pompidor, PhD | Contribution for the development of the choral music in Thailand |
18 November 2010 | Assoc Prof Dr Krisadawan Hongladarom | Tibet: Religion and Way of Life |
11 November 2010 | Dr Chris Baker and Dr Pasuk Phongpaichit | The Tale of Khun Chang Khun Phaen |
21 October 2010 | Mr Dacre Raikes O.B.E. | Of Teak and Elephants: A teak-wallah reminisces |
12 October 2010 | Raja Tridev Roy and Prof Fiddaullah Sehrai | Gandhara of Pakistan |
7 October 2010 | Dr Stewart McFarlane | Confucianism and Chinese Culture |
19 August 2010 | Mr Imtiaz Muqbil | The Islamic Fasting Month of Ramadan |
10 August 2010 | Mr John Burgess | The Sdok Kok Thom Inscription: Window into the Angkorian Past |
7 August 2010 | Khun Orawan and Khun Charoen Othong | Around the World by Bicycle |
29 July 2010 | Dr Vittorio Roveda | Iconography of emancipation from the Body |
21 July 2010 | HE Mr Kyoji KOMACHI | Thai-Japanese Relations: over 600 years, now and in the future |
8 July 2010 | Mr John J. Toomey | THE CONNOISEURSHIP OF TEA CERAMICS: China, Thailand, Korea, and Japan |
24 June 2010 | Mrs Eileen Deeley | The Buddha’s Relics and Buddhist Treasures from Famen Si |
10 June 2010 | Mr Jamshed K. Fozdar | True unification requires humanity’s acceptance of all religious teachings as a single continuous process |
11 May 2010 | Dr Ayoub Abu Dayyeh | Climate Change: From antiquity to the future! |
26 February 2010 | HE Dr Tej Bunnag, Prof Dr Charnvit Kasetsiri, and Mrs Patricia Lim Pui Huen | THROUGH THE EYES OF THE KING: The Travels of King Chulalongkorn to Malaya |
20 February 2010 | Mr Lee, UkHyung and Mr John J. Toomey | THE HEART OF KOREAN TEA: A journey of Beauty and Enlightenment through Zen Tea |
28 January 2010 | Prof Susan Morgan | The King and I and the Real Women Behind It |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
19 November 2009 | Dr Dhiravat na Pombejra and Dr Bhawan Ruangsilp | The Dutch East India Company in Thailand: Behind the Official Documents |
7 November 2009 | Ven Dhammananda | The Discovery of Kapilavastu II |
29 October 2009 | Dr Michael J. Montesano | Who Were the Khahabodi? Why Did They Disappear? Buddhist Legacies and Social Categories in Mid-Twentieth-Century Thailand |
22 October 2009 | Dr Leedom Lefferts | Murals on the Move – The Long Painted Scrolls of the Vessantara Jataka of Northeast Thailand and Lowland Laos |
15 October 2009 | Mr John J. Toomey | The "Sparkling" Jewels of Korea |
8 October 2009 | Dr Robert B. Gozzoli | Foreigners in Ancient Egypt (3000 BCE – 642 CE). Fear, Diversity and Multiculturalism in the Land of the Pharaohs |
1 October 2009 | Mr John J. Toomey | Dvaravati: What Was It Then, What Is It to Us Now |
22 September 2009 | Dr Bonnie Brereton | Buddhist Murals from the Isan Heartland |
17 September 2009 | Mr Paul Spencer Sochaczewski | Alfred Russel Wallace: An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles |
3 September 2009 | Dr Edward Van Roy | Thaw Songkandan: A Remarkable Woman in Thai History |
13 August 2009 | Mr Jim Stent | Threats to China’s Cultural Heritage; the Civil Society Response |
16 June 2009 | Ms Victoria Vorreiter | Songs of Memory: Traditional Music of the Golden Triangle |
28 April 2009 | Dr Geoffrey Blate | A Review of Climate Change Impacts in the Greater Mekong Region |
26 March 2009 | Prof Dr Antonio Vasconcelos de Saldanha | The Portuguese Settlement in Ayutthaya in the 17th Century |
26 February 2009 | Dr Donald M. Stadtner | Kamma and Control: The Pagodas of Yangon, Old and New |
19 February 2009 | Dr Thant Myint - U | U Thant: An Unexpected Life (A Lecture on the Occasion of the Centenary of His Birth) |
12 February 2009 | Dr Maryvelma S. O’Neil | Strangers in a Strange Land: Europeans and Americans in Bangkok c. 1850 to 1950 |
27 January 2009 | Mr Grant Evans | The Last Century Of Lao Royalty |
22 January 2009 | Dr Pierre Pichard and Dr Peter Skilling | Art and Architecture In Sukhothai: Wat Si Chum |
15 January 2009 | Mr Bryan Christy | Extinction, Inc.: The Global Trade in Protected Wildlife Is Big Business - and It's Going to Get Bigger |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
18 December 2008 | Mr John J. Toomey | Cha Shin, Maum and Kokoro: Zen Unity and Local Variety in Three Ways of Asian Tea Culture |
11 December 2008 | Dr Ian Glover | New Evidence for Early Trade in the South China Sea Region |
2 December 2008 | Dr Pasuk Phongpaichit and Dr Chris Baker | The Spirits, the Stars, and Thai Politics |
20 November 2008 | Prof ML Pattaratorn Chirapravati | Funeral Of the Buddha In Thai Art: Texts and Interpretation of the Roles of Maha Kasappa and Dona Brahmana |
16 October 2008 | Dr Predee Phisphumvidhi | The Royal Cremation in Siam |
18 September 2008 | Prof David Holmes | Buddhism and the Caste System |
9 September 2008 | Mrs Pamela Hamburger | Klongs |
28 August 2008 | Mrs Eileen Deeley | The Silk Road |
14 August 2008 | Assoc Prof Prathoomporn Vajrasthira | Old Bangkok: A Local History Of Places And People |
7 August 2008 | Mr Smitthi Siribhadra | Khao Phra Vihār |
28 June 2008 | Dr Olivier Cunin | New Architectural Research On The Bayon Temple |
26 June 2008 | Dr Vittorio Roveda | New Contributions To The Iconography Of Bayon |
8 May 2008 | Mr Axel Aylwen | Phaulkon and 17th Century Siam |
22 April 2008 | Dr Sumet Jumsai | Cultural Crusade – Part 2 |
5 April 2008 | Prof Dr Juergen Wertheimer | The Prospects for Comparative Cultural Studies |
27 March 2008 | Mrs Patricia Bjaaland Welch | Birds in Chinese Art |
20 March 2008 | Dr Julispong Chularatana | Iranians Relations with Siam |
28 February 2008 | Mr Smitthi Siribhadra | HM Queen Sirikit’s Textile Institute Project |
19 February 2008 | Dr Sumet Jumsai | Cultural Crusade |
14 February 2008 | Dr François Pommaret | Contemporary Bhutan and the Monarchy |
31 January 2008 | Dr Pilai Poonswad | Community Involvement in Hornbill Research and Conservation |
24 January 2008 | Dr Roxanna M. Brown | Matching Thai Ceramics and Ayutthaya History |
16 January 2008 | Dr Pornsan Watanangura and Dr Charnvit Kasetsiri | King Chulalongkorn and Grand European Tours |
10 January 2008 | Dr Donald M. Stadtner | The Mon: Myth or Reality? |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
15 December 2007 | Ms Carol Cassidy | Weaving Success in Southeast Asia: Social Entrepreneurship and the Woven Art of Laos |
13 December 2007 | Phakchok Rinpoche | Common and Uncommon Sense in Buddhism |
20 November 2007 | Dr Vittoio Roveda | Buddhist Iconography of Bramanical Temples at Angkor |
15 November 2007 | Mrs Patrizia F. Tshering | Textile Art of Bhutan the Hand-Woven Textiles of Bhutan Carry Like on Other Art the Unique Traditions and Culture of This Small Himalayan Kingdom |
10 November 2007 | Mr Teddy Spha Palasthira | Hua Hin in the Seventeenth Century |
25 October 2007 | Mrs Pimpraphai Bisalputra | China for Siam Antique Porcelain Handed Down through the Ages in Siam Bore Silent Witness to the Heyday of Junk Traders and the Changing Fortunes of the Chinese Community in Bangkok |
27 September 2007 | Ms Helen Grant Ross | “New Khmer Architecture” 1953 – 1970 Elements of Tradition Transcended |
20 September 2007 | Dr Peter Skilling | Narrative and Representation: Monkey Business from Sanchi to Suphanburi |
13 September 2007 | Dr Andrey Trentyev | Buddhist of Tibet |
16 August 2007 | Dr Peter Skilling | Image and Interpretation: Life of the Buddha from Phanigiri, Andhra Pradesh |
4 August 2007 | Assoc Prof Pornpimol Senawong | Thai Ties: Social Customs and Cultural Traits That Tie All Thais Together |
21 July 2007 | Mrs Eileen Deeley | Qingming Shanghe Tu: Daily Life Along the River in 12th Century Song China |
14 July 2007 | Mr Sam Sotha | In the Shade of a Quiet Killing Place |
5 July 2007 | Prof Dr Helmut Lukas | Christoph Carl Fernberger von Egenberg: The First Austrian in Pattani and Ayudhya |
22 May 2007 | Mr Tran Ky-Phuong | The Arts of the Champa Kingdom: the Royal Sanctuaries of My Son and Po Nagar Nha Trang in Central Vietnam |
17 May 2007 | Ms Jane Puranananda | Monk, Missionaries and Monarchs Unraveling the Myth of Anna and the King |
26 April 2007 | HE Mr. Yaichil Batsuuri | Travel to Mongolia |
19 April 2007 | Dr Sunait Chutintaranond | King Naresuan: Fact to Fiction |
10 April 2007 | Dr John Barry Bell | Cosmological Symbolism and the Thai Temple: Image or Event? |
1 March 2007 | Dr Michael Moreton | Health Care in China |
23 February 2007 | Mr Somtow Sucharitkul | Killing Thotsakan-and Other Assaults on Culture |
15 February 2007 | Dr Edward Van Roy | Taechiu Versus Hokkien in Thailand History: Before Bangkok |
8 February 2007 | Dr Elisabet Lindgren | Climate Change and Human Health |
3 February 2007 | Mrs Eileen Deeley | Celebrating the Chinese |
1 February 2007 | Ms Marisa Cranfill | The Thai Spirit House |
20 January 2007 | Dr Santanee Phasuk | Royal Siamese Maps |
18 January 2007 | Dr Kenneth and Dr Marilyn Gregerson | Khmer-based Orthographies and Bilingual Education Programs for Ethnic Minorities in Cambodia |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
14 December 2006 | Mr Sulak Sivaraksa | Commemorative Lecture on the Centenary of the Birth of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu |
28 November 2006 | Mr Smitthi Siribhadra | New Dates for the Monument C 1 at the Sambopreikuk |
25 November 2006 | Mr Thavatchai Tangsirivanich | Ayudhya: a Cartographic Vision, 1459-1800 |
16 November 2006 | Mrs Rita Ringis | Traditions of Mural Painting in Thailand |
19 October 2006 | Mr Charles F. Chicarelli | Buddhist Art: an Illustrated Introduction |
14 October 2006 | Dr Karma Phuntsho | Bhutan and Its Buddhist Heritage |
30 Sepember 2006 | Dr Chaweewan Hutacharern | Fireflies: a Remarkable Insect in Decline |
17 August 2006 | Dr John R. McRae | Which Department Stores Zen? Discounts and Bargains in the Study of Chinese Chan Buddhism |
27 July 2006 | Mr Alex Kerr | Lost Japan |
22 July 2006 | Dr U Thaw Kaung | Myanmar Court Dramas - The Ramayana, Eenaung (Eenao), and Others |
27 June 2006 | Dr Chris Baker and Dr Pasuk Phongpaichit | Love and Death in the Epic Poem: Khun Chang Khun Phaen |
25 May 2006 | Mr Ulrich Wilhelm Lippelt | Feng Shui “an Irrational Belief” or “a Proper Method to Harmonize Nature’s Energies for the Benefit of Mankind” |
18 May 2006 | Prof Richard Gombrich | Recent Research on the Buddha |
13 May 2006 | Mr Rajesh Vasudevan | Shiva: the Cosmic Dancer |
27 April 2006 | Mr Dean Meyers | The Paknam Incident Revisited |
20 April 2006 | Ms Saovapak Kositkhum | To Rule the Universe: Interpreting the Qing Dragon Robe Twelve Symbols of Authority |
25 March 2006 | Mr Garrett Kam | Keeping in Character: Rules of the Roles in Javanese Court Dance |
18 March 2006 | Dr Christian Luezanits | Holy Madness - Siddhas in Tibet |
16 March 2006 | Mrs Eileen Deeley | Fahai Si, A Unique Repository of Ming Moral Art |
9 March 2006 | Mr Bill Lair and Mr Roger Warner | Bill Lair: Twenty-five Years in Thailand and Laos, 1951 to 1976 |
4 March 2006 | Mr Tew Bunnag | After the Wave |
16 February 2006 | Dr Heng Thung | Revisiting the Collapse of Angkor |
12 January 2006 | Dr Kullada Kesboonchoo-Mead | The Rise and Decline of Thai Absolutism |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
15 December 2005 | Mr Tew Bunnag | “In Partnership with the Poor” Rehabilitation in the South and Development in the Bangkok Slums |
13 December 2005 | Dr Franciscus Verellen | Community and Ritual in Medieval China: New Sources on Early Taoism |
1 December 2005 | Dr Charnvit Kasetsiri | Zheng He-Sam Po Kong: History and Myth in Thailand |
19 November 2005 | Dr Pakpilai Thavisin and Dr Pansak Sugkraroe | Anti-Aging |
5 November 2005 | Mr Benoy K. Behl | The Murals of India: Illustrated Lecture |
29 Oct 2005 | Mr Narin and Mrs Suthasinee Suvansarang | A Visit to Ajanta & Ellora Caves of India: From Behind and Beside the Lens |
6 October 2005 | Ms Linda McIntosh | Status, Myth and the Supernatural: Ritual Tai Textiles |
1 October 2005 | Mrs Fumiko Boughey | Zen and Chado, the Way of Tea (Japanese tea ceremony) |
22 September 2005 | Dr Edward Van Roy | Khlong San: Biography of a Forgotten Bangkok District |
15 September 2005 | Mr Philip Cornwel-Smith | Street Corner Siam: Exploring Thai Popular Culture |
8 September 2005 | Dr Chris Baker and Dr Pasuk Phongpaichit | A History of Thai-land |
6 August 2005 | Mr David W. and Mrs Barbara G. Fraser | Mantles of Merit: China Textiles from Myanmar, India and Bangladesh |
19 July 2005 | Mr Reinhard Hohler | Mysterious Mekong: A Journey through the Heart of Indochina |
7 July 2005 | Dr Amarjiva Lochan | Kesariya Buddhist Stupa: A Borobudur Discovered in India |
9 June 2005 | Ms Kai-Yin Lo | House, Home, Family: The Chinese Way of Living and Being |
31 May 2005 | Dr Chris Baker and Dr Dhiravat na Pombejra | A Walk and a Drink in Ayutthaya, 1636 (and four books) |
19 May 2005 | Mr Doug Harrison and Mr Lowell Barton | Spice and Herbs for Thai and Cajun Taste |
12 May 2005 | Dr François Lagirade | Sangkachai or Kaccayana: “The Fat Thai Monk” |
28 April 2005 | Ms Saovapak Kositkhum | Mandarin Squares: The Qing Meritocracy on Trial |
21 April 2005 | Dr Joyce White | The Middle Mekong Archaeological Project: First Look at New Exploratory Research in Luang Prabang Province, Laos PDR |
24 March 2005 | Prof Michael Smithies | Contrasting Styles; Two Mid-19th Century French Travelers in Siam: Henri Mouhot and Ludovic de Beauvoir |
22 March 2005 | Dr Donald M. Stadtner | The Enigma of the Mingun Pagoda – Did the king really leave it unfinished? |
24 February 2005 | Mr Arno Ooms | Waiting to Go Home: The Dutch in Thailand, 1945 - 1946 |
22 January 2005 | Prof Sachchidanand Sahai | The Bayon and the Spread of Mahayana Buddhism in Cambodia through Thailand |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
16 December 2004 | Dr Pennapa Subcharoen, MD | Thai Traditional Medicine in the New Millennium |
18 November 2004 | Ms Saovapak Kositkhum | Clothes that Ruled the Universe: Interpreting the Qing Dragon Robe |
2 October 2004 | Ms Gillian Green | Textiles at the Khmer Court Angkor 9 – 13th Century |
30 September 2004 | Ms Gillian Green | The Role of Pidan – Pictorial Silk Hangings as a Cambodian Buddhist Practice |
16 September 2004 | Dr Nantarika Chansue | Turtle Release…Merit Making and How to Make It Right |
1 July 2004 | Group Captain Sakpinit Promthep | History of Aviation in Thailand |
27 May 2004 | Dr Stephane Dovert | Thailand and Foreigners |
22 May 2004 | Mr Dieter Ande, Mr John Conrade, Dr Down Rooney, Mr Barent Springsted, Mr Thanvatchai Tangsirivanich, Dr Heng Thung, Dr Edward Van Roy, Ms Julie Yeo | Maps and Prints of Southeast Asia: Past and Present (workshop) |
20 May 2004 | Mr Vasilijs Mihailovs | Symbolic Analysis of Dvaravati Coins |
29 April 2004 | Dr Roxanna M. Brown | Shipwreck Evidence for Dating Thai Trade Ceramics |
8 April 2004 | HE Mr Yevgeny D. Ostrovenko | Russian-Thai Humanitarian Relationship: Historical and Cultural Aspects |
25 March 2004 | Dr Jintana Thunwaniwat | Introduction to Chinese Music and Its Influence on Thai Culture |
18 March 2004 | Mr Walter Unger | A Journey to the Sources of the Mighty Yangtze |
26 February 2004 | Mr Steve Van Beek | Thailand Before It Became Thailand |
19 February 2004 | Dr Ann Hersey Allison and Ms. Jane Porter Allison | Is There Bronze Casting in Cambodia Today? |
14 February 2004 | Prof Khaisri Sri-Aroon and Mr Pises Jiajanpong | Buddha Images in Thailand (Lecture in Thai) |
10 February 2004 | Dr Mehdi Mohaghegh and Dr Nasrollah Pourjavady | Iranian Mysticism |
5 February 2004 | Mrs Sallypahn Dharmasaroj | A Thai Nurse Relates Her Work and Adventures in Amazonia |
15 January 2004 | Ms Saovapak Kositkhum | Living with Philosophy: The Secret of Chinese Cabinet Maker |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
20 November 2003 | HE Mr Cristian Teodorescu | Mihai Eminescu Romanian’s National Poet |
1 November 2003 | Dr Piriya Krairiksh, Dr Hans Penth, ML Surasawasdi Sooksawasdi, Dr Preecha Noonsuk, Mr Ptiya Bunnag, Mr Michael Wright, Mrs Virginia D. Crocco, Mrs Natthapatra Chandavij | Thai Buddhist Art from Mid Fifteenth to Mid Nineteenth Century CE (Seminar) |
16 October 2003 | Mr Asger Mollerup | Astroarchaeology with Emphasis on Prasat Phanom Rung |
11 October 2003 | Natural History Section Seminar | Mekong: the River of Life |
9 October 2003 | Mrs Jahn Buhrman | The Protestant Cemetery |
25 September 2003 | Dr Saranarat Kanjanavanit | Stream Detectives: Bio-monitoring and Caring of Local Streams and Rivers in Thailand |
18 September 2003 | Prof Krisda Arunvongse | Post Modern and Deconstruction Architecture |
28 August 2003 | Mom Bongkojpriya Yugala | The Thai Royal Family: Reigns, Ranks and Customs |
14 August 2003 | Mr Yvan Cohen | A Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse into the World of Photojournalism |
7 August 2003 | Dr Montri Umavijani | The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam |
18 July 2003 | Mr Rod Beattie | Thailand – Burma Railway (1942 – 1945): An Illustrated Talk |
10 July 2003 | HE Mr Daryl N. Johnson | Thailand: Then and Now |
5 July 2003 | Mr John Shaw | A Study of Northern Thai Ceramics |
12 June 2003 | Ms Alexandra Denes | Recovering Khmer Ethnic Identity from the Thai National Past |
5 June 2003 | Mr John Doty | Modern Mapping of Thailand |
29 May 2003 | Dr Merle Wallace | Educational Reform in Thailand |
22 May 2003 | Mr David Swartzentruber | Wine in Thailand: Past, Present and Future |
24 April 2003 | Mr Arnold Molina Azurin | Indochina’s Persistent Intercivilizational Confluence and Conflict: From Ancient Champa to the Contentious Present |
27 March 2003 | Mr Tom Lyall | Imperial Obsession: An Introduction to Chinese Snuff Bottles |
20 March 2003 | Mrs Jacqueline Filliozat | Caring for Pali Buddhist Manuscripts |
13 March 2003 | Mrs Kathleen Forance Johnson | Handloom Heritage: Structure, Pattern and Technology |
6 March 2003 | HE Mr Pierre Vaesen, Dr Piyanart Bunnag, Mr Gerald Walewijk | On the Eve of One Hundred Years of Belgian Diplomatic Presence in Bangkok: 1904 – 2004 |
1 March 2003 | Seminar by Natural History Section | The Forest Edge: Conflict and Cooperation over Nature in Khao Yai National Park |
21 February 2003 | Prof Charles Higham | The Origins of the Civilization of Angkor |
30 January 2003 | Dr Chaiwat Satha-Anand | Islam, a Misunderstood Religion? |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
19 December 2002 | Dr ML Pattaratorn Chirapravati | Doris Duke’s “Thai Village” and her Collection of Southeast Asian Art |
30 November 2002 | Mrs Esme Hedrick-Wong | Natural Dyes for Contemporary Textiles |
14 November 2002 | Mr Tom Radzienda | A Promise for Siam |
9 November 2002 | Mrs Mira Kim | A Saturday Morning with Korean Tea |
17 October 2002 | Prof Srisurang Poolthupya | Sunthorn Phu |
12 October 2002 | Mrs Eileen Deeley | Buddhist Cave Temples of China |
5 October 2002 | Mr Jaroslav Poncar | German Contributions to the Preservation of Angkor (Exhibition) |
3 October 2002 | Mr Ted Osius | Environmental Challenges to the Mekong River |
28 September 2002 | Mrs Eileen Deeley | Chinese Symbolism |
26 September 2002 | Dr Jennifer Took | Anatomy of a Tai Native Chieftaincy in Southernmost China: the Anping Native Chieftaincy in Guangxi |
21 September 2002 | Mrs Elieen Deeley | The Philosophy and Language of Chinese Temple Architecture |
17 September 2002 | Ms Sigrid Piroch | American Historic Textiles |
22 August 2002 | Lieutnant General Boonsrang Niumpradit | The Role of the Armed Forces in Modern Peace Operations: the East Timor Experience |
20 August 2002 | Dr Donald M. Stadtner | The Seven Weeks of the Buddha and Royal Shrines in Thailand and Burma |
15 August 2002 | Police General Chavalit Yodmani | The Current Situation of Drug Problems in Thailand |
1 August 2002 | Mrs Lee-Nah Hsu | HIV/AIDS: Building South East Asia’s Future through Regional Resilience |
24 July 2002 | Ms Rieki Crins | Women in Bhutan |
18 July 2002 | Mr Rod Beattie | Thailand – Burma Railway (1942 – 1945): An Illustrated Talk |
11 July 2002 | Dr Edward Van Roy | The Bangkok Mandala: Mapping the First Reign (1782 – 1809) |
20 June 2002 | Dr Hans Friederich | Mae Khong: Environmental Problems |
23 May 2002 | Mr Robert Dziubla | AIKIDO The Japanese Art of Self Defense |
9 May 2002 | Mr Smitthi Siribhadra | Thai Textiles and Costumes |
2 May 2002 | HE Mr Andreas von Stechow | Germany, New International Responsibility |
25 April 2002 | Mrs Ruth Gerson | The Ghost Festival in Dan Sai, Loei Province |
4 April 2002 | Dr Alois van Tongerloo | The Religion of Light as Illustrated by the Documentation from the Silk Road |
28 March 2002 | Dr Heng Thung | The Khmer Empire’s Impact on the President-Day Forest of Cambodia |
21 March 2002 | Dr Helmut Lukas | “US” and “Them” “Inland People” versus “Dwellers of the Bright World”: The Inter-ethnic interaction of the Manig (“Ngo’Pa”) of Thailand as Compared to the Anak Dalam (“Kubu”) of Indonesia |
14 March 2002 | Mrs Julie B. Mehta | Dance of life: The Mythology, History and Politics of Cambodian Culture |
7 March 2002 | Dr Sanit Aksornkoae | Mangroves: Ecology and Management |
14 February 2002 | Mr Sjay Poddar | Total Energy through Vaastu Shastra |
31 January 2002 | Mr Sunder Singh Khalsa | Being at Peace – the Human Possibility |
วันที่ | ผู้บรรยาย | กิจกรรม |
19 December 2001 | Dr Susan Conway | Silken Threads Lacquer Thrones- Lanna Court Textiles |
27 November 2001 | Mr Steve Van Beek | The Mekong Nobody Knows |
13 November 2001 | Dr Ian Glover | An Archaeological Visit to Siam, November 1929, A Film by Jean-Yves Claeys |
1 November 2001 | HE Ms Leela Krishnamurthy Ponappa | The Tradition and Modernity of India Today |
25 October 2001 | Dr Surin Pitsuwan | A Clash of Civilizations? Or a Dialogue? The Future of Humanity after 11 September 2001 |
13 October 2001 | Prof Michael Smithies, Dr Sumet Jumsai na Ayudhya | 19th Century Books Dealing with Siam and Their Authors: The Earliest Known Book Published in Siam “Kham Son Christang” |
4 October 2001 | Prof Michael Smithies, Dr Sumet Jumsai na Ayudhya | Writers and Writings about Siam in the 17-18 Century ML Manich Jumsai’s Collection of Rare Books |
25 September 2001 | Mr S. P. Somtow | Completing the Circle: A Homeward Journey |
20 September 2001 | Dr Kwanchai A. Gomez | Rice: The Grain of Culture |
23 August 2001 | Ms Pamela Gutman | Between India and SEA: The Art and Architecture of Arakan |
7 August 2001 | Mr Anders Berglund | Thai Money from Earliest Times to King Rama V |
24 July 2001 | Dr Ronald D. Renard | Karens: Past, Present, Future |
20 July 2001 | Mr Benoy K. Behl | The Art of the World Heritage Monument of AJANTA in India |
19 July 2001 | Dr Anthony J. Lynam | Integrating Approaches for the Conservation of Thailand’s Wildlife in the 21st Century |
14 June 2001 | Mr Roger Beaumont and Mr Morgan McFinn | Island Life and Urban Realities—A Literary Journey |
31 May 2001 | Mr Michael Vatikiotis | Debatable Land Stories From Southeast Asia |
29 May 2001 | Ven Dhammarakkhita | Emergence of Buddhist Meditation in the Global Village |
24 May 2001 | Mr David A. Feingold | The Hell of Good Intentions Revisited: Further Thoughts on the Political Ecology of Opium & Amphetamines in the Trade in Minority Girls & Women in the Upper Mekong Region |
17 May 2001 | Mr Amarjiva Lochan | Washing Sins Away: The Faith and the Crowd at Kumbh Mela |