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(Mindfulness Workshops) Enlightenment in This Lifetime: Liberation Through the Practice of the Buddha’s Teaching

The special series of talks on 19-22 November 2024 and extended to 11 and 13 December aimed to shed new light on Buddhism and meditation have been completed.  Drawing on his three decades of study and practice, the speaker, Khun Bangkok Chowkwanyun, discussed an integrative, effective and practical approach to the Buddha’s message of liberation, Nibanna.

Some participants in the talks expressed their interest in developing their mindfulness using the techniques and theories presented at the talks.  Three full-day mindfulness workshops have now been held on 20 December 2024 and 18 and 25 January 2025.


OneDay Workshops (English Language) are scheduled as follows:

VENUE: The Siam Society

Lecture Room, 4/Floor   

  • Saturday, 15 February 2025
  • Saturday, 22 February 2025


VENUE: Sethiwan Tower

139 Pan Road, Silom, Bang Rak, Bangkok, 7/Floor (BTS Surasak)

  • Saturday, 8 February 2025
  • Saturday, 8 March 2025

ADMISSION:    Voluntary Donation to The Siam Society for Full Day Workshops

TO BOOK:       Khun Pinthip at 02 661 6470-3 ext. 203 or e-mail pinthip@thesiamsociety.org

Please book your seat(s) in advance by emailing or phoning your booking to the Society.


The format of the one-day workshops is as follows:




09.30 – 12.30   

Morning Session

12.30 – 14.00

Lunch Break (lunch not provided; suggest bringing your own picnic or lunch nearby

14.00 – 17.00   

Afternoon Session


Dress: comfortable; for ladies trousers or a long dress for sitting meditation.

Residential Workshop (Baan Raiwa)

Thursday, 13 to Sunday, 16 March 2025

At Baan Raiwa, Bang Phra, Cholburi: 2 ½ hours from Bangkok


This is a residential Mindfulness Workshop held in Thai but arrangements have been made for English-speaking experienced Mindfulness practitioners to join the course with the permission of Khun Bangkok Chowkwanyun to practice independently with separate times for interviews in English regarding the formal practice and daily life practice; due to time limitation, theoretical discussions will not be covered at Baan Raiwa and will be covered in the full day non-residential workshops.  Vegetarian food.

There is a limited number of places and you are advised to contact Khun Bangkok at your earliest convenience.

Thursday, 13 March:

3.00 pm Depart from The Siam Society

5.30 pm Registration

6.30 pm Mindfulness Practice

9.00 pm Rest


Friday, 14 and Saturday, 15 March:

6.00 am Wake Up Call

6.30 am Yoga, exercises

7.30 am Breakfast

9.00 am Mindfulness Practice

12.00 noon Lunch

1.00 pm Rest

2.00 pm Mindfulness Practice

5.00 pm Light Dinner

6.30 pm Mindfulness Practice

9.00 pm Rest

Interviews will be arranged during these days.


Sunday, 16 March:

6.00 am Wake Up Call

6.30 am Yoga, exercises

7.30 am Breakfast

9.00 am Roundup Meeting

10.00 am Mindfulness Practice

12.00 noon Lunch

1.00 pm Leave Baan Raiwa

3.30 pm Arrive Siam Society

Meditators who have not attended previous workshops or wish to attend the Residential Workshop at Baan Raiwa, please contact Khun Bangkok Chowkwanyun before attending the Workshop

at Line Group “Greenthing” Meditation or 090-130-9879 or email khantisara.bkk@gmail.com

Transportation cost from The Siam Society to Baan Raiwa is 2,000 THB (2-way) and can be paid directly to Khun Bangkok. There is no other fee.

Further background on the series of talks can be found in the announcement for the original four lectures series at https://bit.ly/4eL9etO.

About the speaker

Formerly a Council Member and President of The Siam Society, Khun Bangkok Chowkwanyun was educated at University of Cambridge, UK and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US. He worked as a corporate executive from 1974 through 1996 before redirecting his energy to NGO work in education reform and rural village development.

He began his exploration of Buddhism and meditation in 1992 and started teaching meditation in 2006.  He read extensively and, importantly, was advised by many teachers in meditation centres in Thailand and Myanmar, to all of whom he is deeply grateful.  His most recent teachers are Than Mae Khru Narawan Kulthornchutipas who founded Vipassana Meditation Place for Mind Development in Trang Province, Thailand, and Venerable Than Phra Kru Prasert Thanangkaro, who made precise the practice of locating and observing mental phenomenon mind objects (nama) in addition to physical phenomenon body objects (rupa).


Proceeds will go towards the funding of other activities to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of The Siam Society which promote the study and knowledge-sharing about the cultures, history, arts, and heritage conservation of Thailand and Southeast Asia


February and March 2025


Voluntary Donation to The Siam Society

สำหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม กรุณาติดต่อ

To book your place, please contact Khun Pinthip at 02 661 6470-3 ext 203 or pinthip@thesiamsociety.org

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